What else could happen

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  * Yokos POV*

Yea, our flashlights went out too...yes we heard the noises. We're regrouping with the rest of the group. I didn't sign up for this shit

"if anything happened to the rest of them I blame you Jason." I say, threateningly.
"Yes yes I know. trust me nothing happened" Jason claims. Even though. He has no evidence to support it. I sigh.

-time skip to the group place- everyone was there

Emiko and ajax, Xavier and Bianca, ......Wednesday and enid their covered in blood "what the hell happened to you two?" I ask "the ceiling collapsed" Enid blabbed out as if  it was no big deal. "WHAT? ARE YOU GUYS ALRIGHT?" "Yes we're fine...well" Enid looked at Wednesday as blood ran down her face. "We got hit a lil bit but we'll be fine!" Enid says innocently. they look tired. "we should get back" Wednesday says as everyone agrees.

I watch as Enid runs up to ajax explaining everything that had happened and ajax is pretending to care. It's sooo obvious that he doesn't. What the hell is his problem. I really dont understand why Enid still puts up with him or doesn't realize his act that he puts on. He's been doing it for a while.

*No one's POV*

    As enid is explaining her life story to ajax, and as he's about to reply he is cut off my yoko death starring him through her side eye "uh-" enid notices him looking at yoko and looks and sees the stare she's giving him. "Yokoo" she yells as she marches over to yoko And starts yelling at her in the distance.

Emiko comes behind ajax and taps him on the shoulder smiling. He turns around greeting her jokingly as if nothing happened in the cave. Wednesday was watching them then went up to enid and pulled her out of the cave "we're going to our dorm" "WEDNESDAY. LET. GO"
"No" just as she said that she was puzzled by the sight. Eugene was gone.."Stay here"
She walks around for a while, looking and yelling for Eugene. No response. "He must've Goten scared and went back?" Enid says "no, he wouldn't. Something happened" Wednesday says.

Everyone walks out of the cave as Jason laughs. "What did I say. PUSSSSYYYY" "shut. UP." Wednesday yells and charges at Jason but is cut off by Enid grabbing her, holding her back, and glaring at Jason. "Let's just go Wednesday."

Everyone starts walking back following Wednesday. She's in the front. Enid is behind her and Jason is getting closer to Enid, Jason gets close enough to where there arms are touching, making Enid feel slightly uncomfortable. "yo check up on your boy, Something strange definitely happened to him in there." Jason says then walks away from her.

*Enids POV*

Jason Starts Walking away, smiling. What does that even mean "my boy?" Wait Ajax?

   I run up to Wednesday to clear my mind.

Now standing as close as he was standing next to me as I am with her.

*No One's POV*

-Enid and Wednesday return to the dorm-

"Tonight was so scary" Enid says with a laugh at the end "we have to wash the blood off, come here Enid." Enid walks over to Wednesday "it doesn't hurt" "I know, I'm kind of mad about that." Wednesday wets a rag and wipes off of enids face.

Enid looked at the ceiling with her eyes and asked "what do you think ajax and Emiko did.. I don't trust her for some reason I don't even know why." She looks back down at wednesday who stopped wiping her face "...I don't know and I don't care" Enid sighs as Wednesday puts down the rag.

"I have to pick up a book I ordered from the library so I'll be back, clean yourself up the rest I'll be back soon.

"Okayy!" Enid says


651 words

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now