The Body

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*Nobodys POV*

Wednesday, Yoko, Enid and, Emiko are all crossing through the woods to get to the lake and meet up with Jason and his friends who already arrived.

"Enid what's up with you, you don't seem like yourself." Yoko says looking at enid who was walking in front of her starring at Wednesday who was infront of her 15 feet to the right. Walking with Emiko.

Enid turns her head to look at Yoko, stopping and waiting for her to catch up to her. "Wednesdays the one who hasn't acting herself" she says in reply. "How so?" Yoko asks even though she knows Wednesday likes Enid, thinking that was the reason.

"She's definitely hiding something. I mean, she even hurt herself." Enid says while eyeing Wednesday. "She hurt herself?!" "I walked in to see her knuckles bleeding." Enid paused before continuing. "I think she punched the wall or something." "Why do you think she did it." Yoko asks to see what exactly Enid knows about the situation. "Well I'm not sure, but I think..I did something maybe? But she didn't seem mad at me when I came into help her."

"I CAN SEE THE LAKE!!" Emiko yells to the girls from a distance.

*Wednesdays POV*

  Just as we reached the river I could see a glimpse of Jason's face and 2 other boys standing beside him, One with brown hair and the other with blonde. They were both a little shorter than Jason. "You guys really took your sweet time getting here." Jason says I'm a sigh. "Shut up Jason.. Wednesday what does that book say?" Emiko says, taking her gaze off Jason. Now looking over at me, along with everyone else. I sigh before opening the ginormous book. My bandages rub against the corner of the book creating a small zip sound.
As I start Reading it off too the group.

"Okay so if this book is correct this is where the first body was found 12 years ago, This is the murder sight. Right here." Jason says looking down at the book with his arms crossed. "Let's start looking. Split up into groups of 2 again so if the killer decides to kill one of us the other can scream sending a signal for the rest of us to go back." Jason says looking up with a proud smile.

"Not everything is a joke Jason." Emiko says walking up behind him, pulling his hair "OW OW! Okay okay. Just split into 2 just in case something happens.." He says while walking up to Yoko. Enid Immediately walks to me as the others find there partner.

"Let's start shall we!" Enid says with a smile trying to ease the tension as I nod, admiring her ability to always be herself even in stressful situations.

"We should start looking at that small waterfall over there. I say pointing as Enid looks. "Its mostly hidden by the shadows of the trees. If I was a murderer I'd kill someone in the shadows. I say looking over at Enid with a straight face. She looks at me with her disgusted face as we start walking.


"We should split up here." I say "ARE YOU CRAZY? JASON SPECIFICALLY SAID NOT TO!"
"Your really going to listen to him? We don't even know what we're looking for, I'd assume when we see it we'll know. 2 sets of eyes would make this go a lot quicker Enid." "NO NO THERES NO WAY WERE SPLITTING UP HERE!!" She says grabbing my arm "let go" I say as she looks at me with the same old worried look she gave me when we explored the old gates mansion.

"Your insane.."
"Thank you." I say, slightly smiling while walking away from her.

I come across a old willowed tree, shining my flashlight around it. Exposing the slime falling from the branch, landing on the floor. I lean down lifting it up with a stick. The thickness made It look like some type of skin almost. I think to myself before hearing a scream near the river.

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now