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I've been writing a lot for the past few days and I'm pretty sure I just got writers blocks 😭 literally brain dead, I hope you enjoy🙏!!
*Enids POV*
What did Jason mean by that? Was he referring to ajax?
I pulled out my cell phone and clicked messages, Ajax hasn't texted once "Hey Ajax you should come over tonight." I write, I want to see him but I also want to ask why he's acting so strangely now. "Okay! I'll be there in 10" Ajax replies almost immediately. I just stare at my phone then layed back down on my bed staring at my ceiling with a blank face.

-10 mins go by-

*Wednesdays POV*

"I don't understand, how could you not have this book? I have a notification saying its here." I say showing the Librarian my phone. "We're sorry, really, but we dont have this title in our inventory at this moment!" She says. I sigh then walk away.

As I get to my dorm I'm about to open the door but I heard someone else for a second "I don't like how close your getting with her. Your always with her when something happens. not me." I hear someone say through the door. I wait a few seconds before opening it..


He was sitting on enids bed leaning in like he was about to kiss her till he saw me "What is he doing here" I asked Enid forcefully, not really looking for an answer.

" Uh I was just meeting with Enid. We have a test to study" He smirks looking back at enid.
How could she just let him walk all over her like that. Everytime Tyler tried kissing me or even came close to me I got uncomfortable and pushed him away. Enid looks uncomfortable Everytime she's around Ajax but doesn't do anything about it, instead giving in, not willing to believe she doesn't like him.

I can't read people that easily but that was something me and her had in common at one point.

I start walking over to my side of the room. I can hear him laughing, I try to ignore it and block them out but..Enid why him?

I get out and walk on the balcony. I don't understand why whenever I'm with enid I always feel nervous or and odd sense of jealousy when she's around other people. I wanted to read that book on human emotions and why I'm feeling this way but someone else took it.

I've had crushes on people but no one's ever made me feel nervous. I find Enid just as interesting as I've found every other crush I've had. I cant have a crush on Enid? Can I? I mean she's a girl. She's just my friend, she's just your friend Wednesday.

For as long as I've been alive I've always been a mystery to myself. I was hoping something Or someone could help me realize more about me.

I go over to the railing on the balcony and sit leaning on it, not ready to go back inside just yet. I don't know how but I fell asleep. Only to be woken by "Wednesday? Your still out here?" Enid says gently shaking me awake.

"Your freezing" she says, I just look at her not saying anything "let's go back inside?" She asks, I slowly nod, getting up and following her inside.

I sit on my bed as she stands infront of me turned to her side. "Sorry about..putting you in that situation I didn't mean for you to be that uncomfortable to the point you where out there that long." She says tilting her head, staring deeply into my eyes.

Something you should know is I don't know how to deal with apologies. I've never ever received them from my parents, or family. It's just not how we work.

I think Enid understood that though, as she continued blabbing on. 

"There's definitely something up with Ajax" she says. I look up at her "then why are you with him.." I ask tiredly. She turns around biting her fingernail "BECAUSE! I DONT KNOW..I don't know if he's cheating or not" "cheating? You think he's cheating?" I ask "I do." I sigh getting up to turn the light off "we should go to sleep"
"Whenever I talk to you about Ajax your always to eager to end the convo." She says while I turn off the light "I don't like him" I say "you don't like Tyler either but your always talking about him?"

"That's because he was hurting me not you, if Ajax hurts you I can't say I'd be willing to stand by and let it happen.

        I don't feel like doing that right now.

798 words

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now