Field trip

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*No One's POV*

*RIIING* The first bell rang. Everyone enters class and sits down in there spots. Jason didn't have any other table to sit at seeing as they were all full so Mrs.Abate let him sit at a table of his choice. making it a 5 person table.

He chose to sit with his sister Emiko, who wasn't here at this moment.
*RIIINGG* The second bell rang*

"I know your all excited, we're going to be watching a movie while we wait for all the busses to get here." Mrs.Abate states while turning on the projector.

Wednesday gets to class and sit down before the bell rings, enids behind her smiling, excited to go on the vacation for a week.

"Where's Emiko?" Enid asks as Wednesday shrugs her off. Just as she's about to say something in response, Emiko runs into the room late of course.

"SORRY SORRY I GOT MIXED UP WITH THE ROOMS AND STUFF" "it's okay dont worry I'll let this one slide, go sit." Mrs. Abate says while giving her a comforting smile.

Emiko runs up to the table of 4 and sits down making it 5. she's shaking. "Hey Emiko!" Enid says as Emiko gives her a smile in response. Emiko look down In guilt.

"Where the hell have you been." Jason says with his arms crossed looking at Emiko.
"I told everyone...I got mixed up.." "that's was obviously bull" Jason glares at her
As Emiko looked down in silence, fidgeting with her fingers.
"okay the movies starting" the teacher announced interrupting their convo and unpausing the movie .

Time skip ⏭️
The Buses arrived and the students were getting on

*Wednesday's POV*

"WEDNESDAY STAY WITH ME SO WE CAN GO ON THE SAME BUS" Enid yells at me because I was on a different line. I look over and wave her over. She points at Ajax's back basically saying she wants to sit with both of us. She has quite the nerve. I give her a look of annoyance and turn back to my line only to hear Enid get on the line I'm in.

As we get on the bus I can hear her talking to Ajax behind me but starring at the back of my head, I can feel her gaze.

"Young dumb, young young dumb and broke"
I hear on the radio. Of course they have to play a stupid song with a stupid field trip..along with a stupid friend inlove with a stupid boy. I feel like whoever is in charge of the world is mocking me and I can't do anything about it.

We Arrive to a even bigger mansion then nevermore.

I walk out of the bus looking around. There's a bunch of kids surrounding a bulletin board of a map of the land the Mansions built on.
It's surrounded my woods, the woods are surrounded by a lake

"I heard kids died at the lake" a couple kids were saying next to me, I decide to ignore them. They're probably wrong anyways. *ding* I get a notification from my phone

*Unknown User* - It's a picture of me standing here. I quickly turn around looking in the direction it was taken. I can't see anything, it's too dark. Damn it. "What's wrong?" Jason asks mocking me and laughing brushing his shoulder agains mine, walking away while talking to his friend again.

Enid Skips up to me saying "Let's go explore" "No, I wanna sleep" I say looking in the opposite direction of her in reply. I don't have to sleep of course but I just don't want to feel those feelings for her again until I know what it means. Maybe this mansion has a library.
I sigh knowing I have to double up on her offer. "Actually...I'll go with you, do you know if there's a library anywhere?" I ask "well no but when we explore then we'll find out right? come on!" She says dragging me across the lot into the building.

670 words

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora