Arrival and Reunion

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*Wednesdays POV*

I step out of the bus and look up at the old black castle for a moment then walk lifelessly to the new principal for my "new dorm" and meet my "new roommate." What was wrong with my old dorm and my old roommate?

Im surprised I haven't felt enid run up behind me and shake my shoulder like she always does when we don't see each other for a while. Where could she be.

Mm What do I care.

I beging walking into the principals room only to see a tall figure. Back hair. Young looking. She jumped from out of her desk with a squeal. She walked up to me saying "I'm Mrs Greene! I'm so glad we could finally meet. I've heard a lot about you. But I'm sure it could wait! Let me show you your dorm in case you don't know!" She laughs. I follow silently.

My stomach slight churned at the fact that she's making it seem that I'm getting a new roommate. I dont feel like practically living with someone who makes fun of me everyday. I know they will because everyone does.

We're walking, taking the same hallways that lead to my old dorm? We finally make it. "It old dorm?" I ask, she just smiles and opens the door revealing someone I know quite well. Bubbly..colorful..cute...annoying. "Enid?" I ask only to feel the warmth of her hug quicker then a blink of an eye "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH WEDNESDAY WHY DIDNT YOU TEXT OR CALL?" She asks.

I can feel blood rush through my cheeks, as my head starts getting hotter. After a few seconds I gently push her off of me trying to act cold like I did last time I were here. I hate physical touch but I just might like hers. I've really missed her. What am I even thinking? I can't think like that. Friends can hurt you, they all do. don't they?

I look back up at her " let's unpack?" She nods while smiling.

I look around the room, she already started decorating the window and her side. I suppose I should do the same "how have you been?" She asks, making me turn to her "terrible"
"oh" she mouths
"I got this text from someone and have no idea who it could possibly be." I walked up to her showing her my phone, she looked uncomfortable when I showed her it. "I still don't know why they are doing it, I was hoping I'd figure everything out on break but I haven't."

She sighs "maybe bring it up to Mrs Greene? I'm not sure with that stuff" I look up at her, we were close. "I never ask for help." I say walking away "You need things help though" she teases me causing me to turn to her. I Pause before answering "thats..because he volunteers."

"Suree!" She smiles. Making me groan, I Walk over to my suitcase letting thing walk out of my black bag. I Look back at my phone while I hear enid scream "THING" and running over to tell him her life story. "I'm gonna catch some air." I refer to the balcony and look at enid, she pauses and looks up at me with her hand in things "okay!! Can I come?"
"I suppose" I lightly smile turning around and walking out of the room and onto the balcony.

                                                       *Enids POV*
            "Wednesday isn't really acting like herself, I think something's up with her" I say to thing. He motions "Seems the same too me." He uses his fingers to do a shrug motion.
I pause
"I dunno." I say, lifting my head up in thought.
"Well when isn't there something up with her" He signs back, bringing me out of thought and making me laugh.

"HMMM" I got up and started walking out near the window "I'll be right back thing!" I say, walking out on the balcony. Immediately feeling a change in the air.

And pause when I see Wednesday leaning on the railing looking down on the rest of the castle. I wonder what she's thinking of.
I continue and walk next to her, silently leaning my arm on the railing as well.

715 words

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now