Whose There?

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*Wednesdays POV*

Everyone was shivering, the water was freezing. Everyone was calming down. I was calming down until the most unsettling thing I could think of happened.

"Come here!" A happy, very familiar voice sounded across the whole room as everyone immediately got quiet.
"Come here!" Was heard again in the exact voice it was said last time, as if it was being played on a recording.

It wasn't unsettling because it was a happy voice, or even because whatever said it was in the room with us.

but because it was my own voice calling out to us.

"HELL NAH" Jason Yells and I could hear everyone run for the door but me "WEDNESDAY" Enid yells out to me. Why would I go back now, this has to be the most interesting thing that's ever happened to me. I pointed the flashlight only to see 5 shining pair of eyes, they all had there foreheads hovering over the water, there skin was so pale, like plain white...the rest of these creatures face was covered under the Sewage water.

Their hair was so thin like 5 stands of hair soaked in the water for god know how long it's been down here. I couldn't look at it fast enough since as soon as I shined the light It quickly went under the water then I felt something start pulling me to the door. It was Enid

As we all ran through the door I could hear them pushing through the water fast behind us.

"RUN!" Enid yells still my hand in hers as she drags me down the sewer. It kept getting closer and closer, Whatever they were, they had to be used to living down there Because these creatures moved like alligators through the water. It was so thrilling, Everyone got an overwhelming sense of Adrenaline at the fact that This thing was right behind our running legs, I couldn't help myself but break a smile.

Finally I could see glimpse of light from outside leading us right back to the same river we were out yesterday night. We still were running even though we were out of the tunnel.

Ran out of the woods, past the river, to the other side not realizing the body we saw yesterday was gone. "We have to get bac-" Jason gets interrupted by "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" The principal storms out of the woods with staff behind her. "DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND WHATS HAPPENING HERE? KIDS ARE GOING MISSING..AND YOUR ALL SNEAKING OUT?" She yells "No that wasn't-" "TOO YOUR DORMS...You know what...This "vacation " Is over. We will be leaving to nevermore tomorrow. I've had enough. no more games." she says, walking off.

One things always the same with these damn adults, They never listen. I sigh, looking back at everyone. "Are you okay Jason? Can you walk?" Enid says. "I got him you guys go on ahead." Yoko says winking at me and tilting her head at Enid. I sigh, rolling my eyes before grabbing Enids arm and walking back to the room.

We eventually get to our room and pack most of our stuff. "Need any help?" Enid says I look at her. She's all covered in dirt and blood.. "I'm sorry Enid." "For what?" She asks "I shouldn't of brought you out there" I say caressing her cheek wiping the blood of it. She blushed, gently taking my hand and holding it. "Nothing that happened out there was your fault." My face fills with red blush. Realizing what I've just done. I quickly take my hand back trying to hide the fact my face was redder then before.

I look back at her. She looked nervous, "Wednesday I-" Someone walks through the door. It was Ajax... I quickly back up as I had forgotten about him. "Enid are you...Okay?" Just as he says that Emiko walks through the door bumping into him "Oh sorry Aja....x" Emiko quickly remembers what happened at the cave and looked at Enid with a nervous look, then back at Ajax

Ajax smirks realizing what she's thinking about and how she will react. Emiko quickly filled enraged and Punched Ajax across the face and walked up to Enid with tears in her eyes while pointing to him "Enid I'm sorry I'm sorry, I forgot about this." She said "About what?" Enid says looking shocked while looking at Ajax who was holding his cheek.

Emiko looked down saying "At the cave he...he..kissed me.. and I kissed him back." "Wh-What?"
Ajax looks up in shock "I think she hit her head or something-" Ajax says before getting punched once again, not by Enid or Emiko but by me. It was a hard enough punch for his to fall unconscious which he did. I've been waiting so long to finally do that.

"Hey how's everything going in here...." Mrs Abate asks as she walks in. Ajax unconscious and all the girls around enid. "Uh...Should I even ask" she says "it's an act he's just...into heavy cosplay...We're all ready." I say in reply. "Great uhh" she looks back down at Ajax then back up at us. "The bus will be here 8:30 tomorrow, be ready! Also lights out. Goodnight everyone."

How could everything end like this. I still don't know what took Jason, what I saw in the water, what caused all those murders. I pull ajax out of the room then close the door "Enid you were better off without him" Emiko says reassuring her. "DONT EVEN TALK, YOU KISSED HIM BACK, YOU DID. AND YOUR TELLING ME THIS NOW? GET THE FUCK OUT." Enid yells "I know what I did is...unforgivable, I wouldn't forgive me.. but if you ever find it In your heart to forgive me. Please Know I'm so sorry." Emiko says finally walking out of the room. Now I was alone with Enid once again since Yoko and Emiko are sleeping in a separate room tonight.

There was an awkward silence

I walked over and turned off the light and layed down, I heard Enid lay down too.
"Wednesday?" She calls out. I hum in response. There was a long pause before she finally asked

"Can I sleep with you tonight.."

"Just for tonight. I know you hate physical touch and I want to respect your boundaries but I can't even sleep after what happened out there."

     Her voice was serious, I couldn't say no after that...I sigh before opening my blankets towards her and tilting my head, basically signing that I said yes. She quickly took the blanket from my hand and got in the same bed as me. I could almost instantly smell her perfume. There was another long pause before she blabs out.
"do you think there's even a person out there for me.."

There was a pause before I answer.

"I don't know what your talking about." I say. She turns to face me, we're face to face. "You know like a soulmate?" She asks "Havent you ever had a crush?" She says. "...yes Enid."

"WHO?" She yells, making me flinch. "Quit it, I'm right here." I scold her "Sorry, sorry. Whoo?" She whispers.  I turn facing the ceiling, I can feel her still starring. "Can I guess?" She asks
I sigh "go ahead." "Hmmmm does it start with "A"" "No." "B?" "No." "C??" "Are you just gonna go over the whole alphabet."
"that was the plan." She says with a smirk
"go to sleep." I say putting my hand on her face and pushing away from me.
"Hey!" She yells.

She looks up at the Ceiling Like me. "I lost feeling for Ajax a while ago. I knew he was cheating  months ago. I was just waiting him to tell me. I'm not even sure why I got as upset as I did back there." She says. I look over at her, I glance at her eyes then examine her face, down to her neck. Then back up at her eyes. She looked sad. "I think I liked someone else too." She continues "Who?" I ask "Oh so now your interested?" She smiles glancing over at me then changing positions to be facing me again.

She moved closer, her face serious as she examines my face as I did to her.

"Are you gonna forgive Emiko." I say breaking the silence.
"I don't know. I really didn't know it was her he was cheating with. I felt really betrayed but I think I'll get over it." She says with a small smile.

She continues talking but it's all just fading out. My eyes. I couldn't control them, they slowly went from looking her in the eyes too starring at her lips. I know she saw it too.   Damn it

                                   "Goodnight Enid..." "Goodnight Wednesday!!"

14847 words

Should I make the series longer or end it soon??

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