Who Are They?

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*Wednesdays POV*

It's been about 2 days since I started the search for Enid with Thing, while following these footprints. They seem to be going further and further out, away from nevermore. They seem to be somewhat hidden. Meaning whoever the producer is, doesn't want to be followed.

That's what's giving me the idea their up to something. That their the one who took Enid and will be sorry for it.

"It's been days and they just go on and on, with no sign to stop. I think we should ask someone for help or at least tell someone where we are." Things signs. Making me think

It is true that after I left, my phone has been blowing up with messages from Yoko and other people none stop.

"I know you hate asking people for help but we haven't eaten in a while either. I know you want to find her but it would go faster with a search party you know? He continues.

I sigh looking down at my phone, finally texting Yoko, only our location and what we're doing  And to bring people too.

-My phone dimes

"She'll be here soon. For now we have to keep looking." I say "Wednesday take a break. Like I said you have been walking for 2 days straight. You haven't even slept." He signs

"We don't have time." I murmured "Wednesday.." "What!" I yell, cutting him off, Silencing the rest of the forest.

Realizing the silence, I slowly sit down on a nearby log covering my face with my hands.

I hear Thing walk up to my legs placing his hand on me explaining that "everything will be okay.."

How can anything be okay?                    

~ ~

*No one's POV*

"Wednesday?" Yoko slightly yells, There were several other people with her.

Wednesday quickly jolts up not realizing she had fallen asleep in less than 30 seconds of resting her eyes.

"This is where you've been? ... So where's the footprints?" Xavier called out making Wednesday look at the other people she has brought along with her. Xavier, Divina, Jason, And Emiko.

"Here" Wednesday points to the barley visible marks in the ground. "There's nothing there?" Divina claims "No I see it." Jason says. "Whoever it is, tried hiding them that's why." He continues. "I'm not even gonna ask how you know that." Emiko says "It's basic knowledge dumbass." "SHUT UP JASON." They start arguing

Wednesday starts following the footprints once more, leaving The rest of the group laughing and joking as if they've forgotten why we're here.

She looks up at the gray sky and dark clouds, stopping in her place. "It's going to rain soon so I suggest you stop arguing and help me before it washes our ONE lead" She calls out, silencing the others Only to start walking once more. The rest of the group slowly joins her.


*TZZZ* "AH"- Enid finally yelled as the woman pulls the taser from her. "I'm not telling you shit." She says, out of breathe. "Trust me, I will break you." The woman laughs. Then walks to the back of the room. *boom* *BOOM* Enid heard a very distant explosion of some sort. She couldn't tell where but somewhere in the building. Her werewolf hearing could pick it up.

"Or...he will." The masked woman says, brushing her arms around one of her mans shoulder. He was standing in the back corner of the room. "Make me proud." She says to him, finally exiting the room.

Wednesday and Enid (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now