"I'm going to go say hi to Stiles, hopefully make him feel better about how the team's playing." Mikayla told them, the small smile not something she had to fake. Even if she was set on getting over Stiles, butterflies still filled her stomach at the thought of seeing him.

Sydney could hear as Mikayla got up, discreetly getting up with her own excuse. Melissa and Naomi were more focused on their children, concerned looks at the violence on the field. As she walked past where Allison and Gerard were sitting she heard a small part of their conversation.

"Teenage crushes, huh?" Gerard said referring to Mikayla and Stiles. She was holding his hands, jumping slightly like she was telling him something exciting. Sydney took a deep breath at the sight, her eyes looking up at Allison. She had a melancholy look at the pair. Sydney didn't have the heart or energy to see Vivian's reaction. Probably a mask of what she was actually feeling.

Vivian took a shaky breath, she could tell the rest of her body was shaking too. Whether from the cold or the nerves, she didn't know. She tapped Naomi on the shoulder, earning her moms full attention in a few seconds.

"I'm going to go on a short walk." Vivian said, trying to keep her voice even. She could already see the concern that started to appear on Naomi's face. "I'll ask Stiles and Sydney to keep me company. Just some jitters from the game. Nothing serious."

Naomi looked hesitant as she replied. "..Okay. Don't be gone too long."

"I won't. I promise." Vivian said quickly before leaving just as fast. She accidentally bumped into a player, apologizing before she rushed off. Naomi's eyes were on her as she met up with the other two behind the bleachers. Stiles staying close to her side as they walked towards the school, with the key Mikayla had slipped him. All out of Gerard's sight.

When Naomi looked back towards the game, Melissa was looking at her. "Everything okay?"

"I don't know." Naomi said with a sigh, rubbing her hands over her face. Melissa could understand what Naomi was going through, it felt like they didn't know their kids anymore. Melissa wrapped an arm around Naomi, she leaned into the touch.

"I can't feel my legs!" A player exclaimed as he was wheeled away. Naomi looked back at Tara, nervousness flowing off her in waves.

"That one yours?" A player asked, he had a camera around his neck. He was looking down at Melissa.

"No, mine is still on the field." Melissa said with a polite smile towards the stranger. The stranger held up his camera, taking a picture. "While, I'm here, really wishing that he would have stuck with tennis."

"Mine's helping the Coach. She's more of a leader-" Naomi tried to brag before she saw Tara throw her clipboard down. Then grab it, wiping it off and hugging it to her chest. "She would not do well at this sport."

The stranger chuckled at the two mothers. They looked over at him, he was looking back at photos. "Are you the yearbook photographer?"

He looked back up taking a second to process what they had just said to him. "No, I just take pictures."

"Just lacrosse? Or other things?" Melissa asked, trying to make conversation. He looked back down at his camera, flipping to a new picture the two of them couldn't really see.

"Anything that catches my eye." He said, his tone made Naomi feel uneasy. While he walked away she caught a glimpse of the picture he took.

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