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Tighnari POV:

I woke up early the next morning to make breakfast for mom and cyno, collei had to leave extra early this morning due to a school field trip they were having which pretty much left me with the morning chores, I didn't really mind though so no use trying to 'complain' there.

As I place down two plates of pancakes with eggs onto the kitchen island my mother walks in rubbing her eyes, her long black hair tied in. Lopsided ponytail.

"Hey honey... yawn what are you doing up so early?," She asked, as she began to brew some coffee beside me.

"Collei had asked me the other day if i could make her lunch for her field trip so after i finished that i took it upon myself to make some breakfast as well," I reply turning the stove off.

"Ah i see, and by the way, where's cyno? Did he end up going home last night?"

I shake my head, "no he's asleep in my room with karkata."


"Mhm, he's a little stray kitten cyno rescued yesterday."

"Aw That's really sweet of him, im so glad to have such a kind and respectful son in-law."


"Whatt? Am i lying?"


"That's what I thought," she replied with an innocent smile.

I roll my eyes playfully at her as i place our plates onto the dinner table.

Not long after me and mom had started eating cyno came down stairs looking exhausted.

"Good morning...," He yawned as he made his way over to the chair beside me.

"Morning," me and mom said in unison.

"I hope we didn't wake you up dear, you look exhausted," she says in a worried tone.

"No you two didn't wake me up it was karkata, he noticed tighnari was gone and wouldn't stop meowing," he replies wrapping his arms around me.

"I see,' she laughs,"well since you're already up, would you like some coffee? I brewed some on the stove earlier."

"It'd be rude to refuse," he replied with a smile as she got up and headed into the kitchen.

"How about you nari, how did you sleep?," He asked giving me a small kiss on the side of my neck.

"I slept alright, although you on the other hand- i noticed you were up pretty late last night, are you ok? It wasn't because of what we talked about last night right?"

"Huh- oh no its not that!- i was feeling tired is all," he replied nuzzling on my shoulder a bit."

"Oh alright, ill take ur word for it," i say as i kiss his forehead.

"I hate to interrupt your adorable conversation but i need to go to work- farida told my boss that i was taking her shift today, again-! So i have to run!- here's your coffee by the way i hope its not too hot- anyways i need to run now i love u both! Bye!," We watch s she messily makes a bun and swings her bag over her shoulder and runs out the door.

" going to have to have a chat with farida one of these days..."

"She's that one lady you keep complaining to me about at school right?," He asked taking the coffee in his hands.

"Yea- she's the one who abuses my mom's kindness to get out of doing her job- i know she pays her and all but it's still unfair for my mom to be working her ass off every day so she can go out drinking with her ex-husband!-," i exclaim getting annoyed at the thought.

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