your gentle touch (Smut?)

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word count: 4716 longest ch ive ever done)

Cyno POV:

The morning was new, the sunlight seeped through the blinds waking me up from my sleep. I lift my head up rubbing my eyes, letting out a yawn, i look to my right where tighnari was sleeping peacefully.

I smile down at the boy, petting his soft hair gently before planting a gentle kiss on his forehead.

I watch as he squeezed his eyes shut, his nose scrunching up a bit as he slowly began to wake up.

He looked up at me with a tired expression which i assumed was the result from how much he worked the other day, "still sleepy?," I asked, giving him a small kiss on the lips.

He groaned a little as he nuzzled into my chest, nodding,"mhm..."

I let out a small chuckle as i lift him onto my chest cuddling him close to me, "you could call for a day off ya know? Or I can tell albedo that you're not feeling well on my way to work if you'd prefer," i ask as i continue to pet his head.

"No...don't go...," He announced in a sleepy voice, "stay with me..."

"Nari you know I can't do that," i replied, kissing his adorable pout.

"Why not? You could call in sick too you know...."

I let out a small chuckle, finding the way he was acting adorable, he's usually the one telling me to get up in the morning and would scold me whenever i'd do something stupid or tell one of my jokes, but right now, from the exhaustion, i could tell he that he just wanted nothing more than to stay in bed and cuddle.

I smiled as i peppered kisses on his face, "well it's because i had already told mr. Adil that id take over for him today, so ill be at work all day instead of just the day shift like i usually do," i explained seeing a look of disappointment begin to form on his face, honestly i felt pretty bad for having to leave him like this...but...," about this,"


"Ill drop you off at your place so you can get some rest, you'll probably sleep the whole day so you won't even realize time going by, so after my shift is over I'll order us dinner and I'll bring it over so we can watch a movie and spend the night together, what do you say? Sounds fair right?"

I watch him hesitate for a moment than his eyes lit up and he nodded a big smile on his face.

"Alright, that settles it than, cmon lets get you home, the sooner you're asleep the sooner we can get to watching those movies."

• • • •

After putting him to bed i had a small chat with tighnari's mom before heading to work. Seems like my timing couldn't be any better since collei and my mother in law (ik we're not married but just go along with it) we're going to be out with eula and amber all day for a carnival across town so nari would've been left home all alone if i hadn't offered to stay the night. But all that aside i was glad yo see that she was finally able to take some time off, she deserved it for all the hard work she's done.

I smile as i wave goodbye to collei and her mother before driving off to work.

Hopefully he won't miss me too much, i chuckle to myself.

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