Merry Christmas

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Tighnari POV:

Usually i spend Christmas with just mom and collei, but this year mom wanted to invite family over- which normally wasnt my thing-

Dont get me wrong i love my family its just- sometimes they can be a little much-

"HEY NARIIII!-," I flinch as i feel someone jump onto my back hugging me from behind.

"AH! hey nahida," i laugh as i struggle to keep her from falling off my back.

I hear a sigh from behind me, "nahida, get off of uncle nari, you yelled into his ears again."

The little girl pouts as she carefully gets off my back, "sorry..."

"Heh, its alright nahida," i say ruffling her hair a little, "how was your trip from sumeru cousin rukkha?," I say with a smile as i pick up nahida.

"It was good, nahida here couldn't wait to see her uncle nari, right nahida?," she replies petting nahida's head.

"Mhm!," She replies back as she wraps her little arms around my neck.

"Well im happy to see you too nahida," i pat her back slightly.

"Im so sorry for leaving so suddenly but i just remembered that my mom sent me to go get something from the store before it closes for the night- ill be back, in the meantime you both can head on in my mom's cooking at the moment and collei is in the backyard," i say as i hand nahida over to her.

"Oh okay," she smiles, "I'll go see if she needs help."

"Alright, well ill see you both in a bit," i wave to them before rushing to the store.

Once i arrive i get straight to grabbing what i need. I look down at the list on my phone scrolling through the items.

mm...agh could really use cyno right about now, he seems to be really good at finding things-

I pout slightly as i look through the shelves. I suddenly spot a dark purple scarf with gold yarn stitched into it. I grab it off the rack and look it over. I smile a bit and put it in my cart before moving onto the next isle.

° ° ° °

Its only 5 pm and im already exhausted! I make my way to my front door struggling to carry all the bags into the house. I place the bags down onto the couch and head into the kitchen. I see several pots and pans with food in them, the smell of a freshly cooked turkey filled the room.

"Smells good," i say spooking my cousin a little.

"Oh god tighnari you're back, what Took you so long?," She says smiling.

"I had to carry 6 bags worth of stuff back to the house because a certain someone forgot to buy the stuff to decorate the yard-," i say gesturing to collei who was sleeping on the couch.

She laughs, "you know collei she can be very forgetful at times."

"Yea... you're right about that," i let out a small laugh, "anyways ima head to my room now if thats ok."

"Sure go right ahead, we're all done here, ill wake up collei so she can do her decorations for the backyard."

"Alright, thanks rukkha," i smile and head upstairs.

• • • •

I sit on my spinning chair spinning myself around not knowing what to do.

Its so boringggg-

I sit up and lay my head against my desk which was filled with papers. I let out a sigh and look around my room.

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