how to set up your brother with his boyfriend?

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Collei POV:

Alright im definitely not a mind reader not in the slightest but one things for sure, tighnari has been acting really strange today.

He got home the other day and started screaming into his pillow- which isnt out of the ordinary but still-

And me being the curious nosey little sister i am, i wanted to know what was going on!

I get up from my chair and head to his room.

Was he asleep?

Meh doesn't matter ima wake him tf up anyway!

As i step into the room i see him laying on his bed scrolling on his phone looking rather- how should i describe It- confused? But also embarrassed?? Well whatever!

As i move closer to his bed his ears twitch and he turns towards me with a small smile.

"Oh hey collei," he says in a gentle voice," what are you doing up?, Did you have a nightmare again?," He continued on as he proceeded to sit up on his bed.

"Well no- i was actually wondering if you were ok," i ask as i get on his bed and sit beside him.

"Me?," He asks, giving me a confused look.

I had a feeling he knew what i was talking about, but he just doesn't want to admit it. Typical for my brother, honestly-

I nod, "yea you came home a little later than usual the other day and went straight into your room, you didn't even have dinner, so i got a little worried and wellll i kinda wanna know if something happened-"

"Nosey-," he responds in a sarcastic tone, giving me a small laugh.

"Oh hush im just worried about you is all, now tell me did anything happen earlier?"

As I made that question he immediately became a bright shade of red which was somehow still visible even with all the lights off.

"Um well you see- ehem- you know how i came late right?"


"Well um the reason for that was because i was cleaning the library with cyno-"

"Anddd this is relevant to the conversation how?"


"Sorry sorry- continue-"

"As i was saying, i was with cyno and um after we finished cleaning we just laid on the floor together and he kinda sorta-," he hesitates a bit, looking down at his hands.


"Kissed me?"

Collei.exe has stopped working.

• • • •

Tighnari POV:

It was as if i had just told collei that i had won the lottery or something, because she immediately squealed and hugged me really tightly.


"F-flirt?! When did we-"

"Dont even start- ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ, but anywaysssss now for the real question~"

"The what now?"

"You knowwww, Are you two like...," she holds out her hand and puts two of her fingers together.

"Wellllllll," i turn away rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly, "i would answer that question but i honestly don't know myself-"

"Wait what?!"

☄️|you're annoying|☄️-|Cyno x Tighnari|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon