It was rare to see the 2 go more than 5 minutes without some sort of contact. High five, hug, holding hands, arm over the shoulders, etc. But it was only recently that the touches had started to give the girl butterflies.

The Uber arrived and the teens climbed in. Jack had picked a local healthy food place, one he knew was Holland's favorite.

He was like that, always remembering the little things. It made Holland's heart flutter.

About 15 minutes later and the Uber came to a stop, the two quickly going inside the restaurant and ordering their food at the counter. It didn't take long for them to get their food and sit down.

"What a crazy 3.5 years." Jack laughed, taking a bite of his food.

Holland nodded, agreeing with the boy. Her mind was flooded with thoughts.

Her and Jack would be parting ways soon. The boy would be going back to Virginia in 2 days and everything in Holland wanted to confess to him. Confess her feelings to Jack.

The feelings that had been slowly building over the past 3.5 years.

The feelings she hoped weren't unrequited.

"You okay, H?"

She shoved another bite of food into her mouth, "Peachy."

He furrowed his brows, reaching over and squeezing her hand. Jack was concerned, Holland was never this quiet.

"Tell me what's on your mind." Jack questioned, "Please."

His brown eyes were locked on her own.

She took a deep breath, here goes nothing. "Brit is totally going to kill me if he finds out, but I... like you, Jack."

Holland waited.

This could end extremely well or extremely badly.

Jack's hand slid off of her own and Holland swore her heart stopped. "Oh." His words were quiet.

And now she felt like her heart had been crushed. This was what she feared.

"I'm sorry, I-"

Her chair could be heard being pushed back abruptly throughout the whole restaurant. Holland muttered apologies as she left the restaurant, tears stinging at her eyes for the second time that day.

But for an entirely different reason this time.

She shoved the door open and stumbled out to the street. All Holland wanted was to get as far away from the boy as possible.

He didn't do anything wrong, per se.

But he didn't do anything right.

Holland couldn't blame him, maybe she was just making up their chemistry in her head. Maybe Jack had just been acting this whole time. But all Holland did know was that the friendship she'd built with the boy over the years had shattered in seconds.

And so had her heart.

She walked down the street until she couldn't feel her feet anymore. Her fingers shook as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, opening the Uber app to book a car to take her back to her Mom. Her Mom that would do anything for her and her brother. The same woman that would hold her daughter while she cried her heart out tonight until she fell asleep.

Holland ignored the texts from Jack that popped up at the top of her screen — not even bothering to try and read them. Nothing he could say right now would make up for the hurt she was currently feeling. She only needed her Mom.

And maybe Britain and Bailey.

She'd call them later.

and that's the last flashback chapter!!
holy moly

next chapter will be "present" time and
it'll be in first person. i CANNOT wait
for you all to see the plot i have for
this story!!! literally bursting with
excitement at the thought

LAVENDER HAZE | j. championDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora