"You know I didn't just choose you because of this and our plans," She suddenly said and I hummed.

"I'm your boyfriend Quinn, the fact that he touched you makes me want to chop off all his fingers but that would make you sad which is why I spared him," I pointed out straightforwardly. "The next time he tries such a thing he'll be asking for his end."

Again she was dumbstruck. I had to squeeze my hands on the wheel at the thought of him holding her and trying to take her away from me.

"What's the deal with him anyways?"

"Dylan?" She asked and I nodded.

She took in a deep breath.

"He's my ex."

The car came to an immediate halt. She held her seatbelt and stared at me with wide eyes. My eyes were fixed on the road before me as I immediately took off my seatbelt, the blood began to boil in my veins and I shut my eyes before turning to her. I needed to look at her for the conversation.

"He's your ex?" Disgust dripped from my tone and anger sparked in my eyes.

"Yeah, we dated back in Canada." She shrugged like it was no big deal.

"I had enough when he was just an old friend but your ex? Who's this protective of you? He's definitely still in love with you. And he's living next to you?" I snapped.

She rolled her eyes. "Please Ace, it's Dylan. There's nothing that can happen between us again. I have zero feelings for him whatsoever-"

"Well duh!"

"Don't be jealous Ace. Dylan and I have a very different relationship right now, we've gone through a lot. Getting back together is something we both haven't thought of."

"Quinn darling, he looks at you like he's undressing you in his head! I know that look when I see it."

"Ew! Ace no."

"Why did you break up? Was it a friendly breakup? Cause you too seem too close for it to be a bad breakup."

She pursed her lips and took her eyes away from mine. "He almost died..... We thought he died. But apparently, he was in a coma. He got into an accident with my brother who died and when he woke up..... We had moved," She spoke like she was trying not to cry and with soft gasps.

I froze and felt my heart beating against my ribs. "Oh. That's... that's... that must have been terrible... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take you back to whatever happened."

"It's fine.... I just.." Her voice trailed off and she blinked incessantly to stop her tears.

She mentioned her brother.

She finally told me about him.

"Your brother.... I'm sorry about what happened to him. I had no idea," I whispered and tried to hold her hands but she took them away the second our skin touched.

My world shattered, just her small actions made my world shatter. She didn't want me to touch her, this was probably not how she wanted to tell me about her brother and what happened in Canada. But my stupid jealousy pushed her to say this and now she didn't want to even look at me.

"Quinn, it's alright. You don't have to say anything, I'm sorry. I know you aren't ready, and I don't want to pressure you into anything. I should have never asked about this, I'm sorry please look at me darling," I pleaded.

She was silent until a heard a low sob escape her lips and she suddenly turned and engulfed me in a hug. Her actions caught me by surprise but I immediately wrapped my hands around her. Just us at that moment under the stars on the almost empty road that night.

I was quiet and let her cry as much as she needed to. While slowly caressing her back and occasionally kissing her forehead I let her use me as her sanctuary. I just wanted to be there for her, for her to feel safe with me.

"Ace," She whispered and sent shivers throughout my body. I hummed in response.

"I have to confirm some things before telling you the full story... It's really complicated and I'm hoping it's not what I think it is."

I didn't understand a word she said but I didn't bother to ask. She said she'll tell me when she feels it's the right time. I was willing to give her that time. No matter how long it took, we have the rest of time to talk about it.


We stood on the porch of the Kims and took in a deep breath at the same time. I turned to her.

"We're here. So tell me why?"

"To find your mum," She deadpanned and rang the doorbell, leaving me stunned.


She reluctantly huffed and ran her hands through her hair. "She is close Ace, she's been protecting you which means she's watching you. And from what you said Mr. Kim knows about your dad... He isn't dead. Don't you think they'll both be in contact? Your dad and your mum?"

"What do you think you're doing?" I growled.

"I'm trying to help you Ace," She held my arm and studied me with a soft gaze. "You're trying to push all of this away from your reality when it's a huge part of your life. You can't keep denying it, Ace..... I love you and I can't let you live in denial."

The door suddenly swung open to reveal Mrs. Kim. She was drowned in surprise at our presence and didn't even try to cover it. I wonder if she knows about what her husband does.

"Ace.....what a surprise," She chuckled softly and glanced at Quinn. "And you brought a guest?"

"Good evening Mrs. Kim," Quinn quickly spoke. "Is your husband at home? We have something important to discuss."

She raised her eyebrows and paused before smiling and opening the door wider. "Any guest of Ace is welcome here."

Quinn immediately stepped in and turned back at me. "Get in," she commanded and I sucked in a breath before following her.

Mrs. Kim shut the door behind us and said, "I'll go get mr Kim just make yourselves comfortable."

I gave her a nod as she walked up the swirl stairs. I turned to Quinn immediately and saw her studying the room intensely. Her eyes roamed the paintings, the chandeliers, the rugs, and the coffee table, most of the furniture in the room was black which perfectly fitted our situation now.

"Quinn, I'll do this alone. It's dangerous for him to find out you also know about everything. I can't let you do this." I grabbed her hand and she took it away.

"Ace, you're already in this. There's no how I can't be involved and nothing you say can change that," She said and stared into my soul. She took in a deep breath before interlocking our hands and placing a kiss on my hands.

"I can't let you go through all of this alone," She whispered before placing a soft kiss on my lips. Her other hand now cupped my face.

She waited for me to speak but I was lost for words. I was in a heated debate in my head, deciding if I wanted to drag her into this rough side of my world, but she was already crawling to that side willingly. I decided that instead of pushing her away, I would protect her even with my life.

I nodded and a little smile glossed her lips.

"Thank you," She breathed, and just then the sound of Mr. Kim coming down the stairs echoed making us take our attention to him.

He had his hands behind his back as he carefully came down the stairs with his gaze fixed on us. A low breath hitched in my throat and I tightened my grip on Quinn's hand.

"Let's do this," She whispered.


Finally a new chapter!!

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