MIK 47

2.8K 214 52

47: Lost.

"Famous world sensation Korean actor and CEO, Lee Minho along with his P.A has gone missing. The mentioned people have been spotted walking and taking a bike ride which has been visualised through the CCTV footage presented before us. It is also revealed that they have been chased by some groups of men until they disappeared."

"Now we are standing in front of the police station where both families currently are. Stay tuned for more updates."

"Officer! It's been three days! Tell us how long we have to wait!?" Mr. Lee exclaimed furiously while hugging his crying wife close to him.

The Han family was sitting beside Chan and Jeongin who were trying to calm down a crying Avatanza.

Mrs. Han laid her head against her husband's shoulder, both the couple looking at the arguing family with indifference.

"Will he be safe?" Mrs.Han glanced at her husband whose lips were wobbling from the suppressed emotions. Her eyes started tearing up at the thought of her two boys, especially Jisung. She grabbed her husband's hand in hers, tightening the hold.

"He will, Honey. He will, he is our strong little boy."

A void vision and throbbing pain over the left shoulder was all he felt and saw; his body was stiff, feeling the strong wooden wide object against his back side. He started groaning in slight pain from the stiffness and slowly started opening his eyes, his vision blurry.

"Oh you are awake." Minho heard an unfamiliar voice ringing in his ears, making him glance at the side to see a young girl around his sister's age walking towards him, carrying a small earthen pot in her hands.

Minho tried to get up from the wooden bed, making the girl panic," Oh my god! Please stay still or else the wound would open!" Minho stayed still awkwardly on the bed, watching the girl taking a seat beside his side and started tapping on his injured shoulder making him hiss.

"Oh not bad." She exclaimed, untying the leaves around his shoulders which were stuck with herbal paste. "Do you want some water?" She questioned, getting his stare.

Minho nodded his head, making her sigh," Hey, Jihyo! Bring some water! The man is awake!" She screamed loudly making him flinch at the loud voice. She noticed this and giggled.

"Oppa how is your arm? Can you move it?" Minho did as the girl asked, hissing at the pain, but still there was slight numbness. She helped him to get up from the bed, making him lean against the headboard.

"Ah… how did I get here?" He asked, hoping to hear about Jisung and not seeing the younger's presence around the room was making him worried.

The girl made a thinking face as she started pasting the medicine around his wound,"I don't know much, but from what I heard you and your friend were found passed out in the middle of the forest. Our village was facing problems with wild boars so our village men guards at night. Thank goodness you both were seen before the wilds attacked you." Minho's eyes lit up.

Just in the moment another girl came in, carrying a jug of water and Minho assumed her to be Jihyo. He thanked the girl and drank the water immediately. Jihyo left the room after confirming that he got enough water, which made Minho to voice out his question at the girl who was wrapping his shoulder.

"Where is he?" He asked, watching the girl patting now perfectly covered shoulder in anticipation and eagerness. The girl looked at his excitement in amusement. In her eyes, the brother in front of her has a child-like glint in his eyes. "Ah he went outside to meet with the village head."

"Minho?" Both of them glanced up to see a panting Jisung standing in front of the door, his hands trembling as he tried to hold in place. The girl immediately stood up and left the room to give the two men space for talking.

"Jisung…" Minho was cut off mid sentence when a body clashed against him. Jisung cried out loudly, repeating Minho's name over and over, making Minho smile as he hugged the younger back tightly.

After the heartwarming moment, Jisung removed himself from Minho, calming himself down and started checking the elder. "How are you feeling now?"

"Tired." Minho exclaimed with a smile.

"Great. Do you know how much of a pain it was to carry your weight?" There he goes. My typical tsundere wife. Minho thought, chuckling.

Jisung acted as if Minho's voice wasn't something he looked forward to hearing once again. His smile that Jisung would do anything to see, or his laugh that made Jisung's heart warm and fuzzy.

"Oh? So you want me dead…" Jisung slapped Minho's mouth angrily, making Minho groan in pain since his lips hurt from the split he has over it. Jisung panicked, checking the elder worriedly, making Minho lips twitch into a grin.

"You know you are cute right?" Jisung gulped as Minho leaned forward making him close his eyes out of reflex.

"Ahem." Both of them frantically moved  away from each other and glanced at the door to see an old man looking at them expressionless. Jisung immediately stood up startling Minho, greeting the newcomer in respect, making the man nod.

"How is your friend?" Asked the man, getting inside as he started staring at Minho who looked at Jisung for help, since he was a bit confused with the dialect.

"Ah… he is okay, Uncle." Said Jisung to the man with a smile. He then glanced at Minho, "This house is his." Minho let out a sound of understanding, bowing in gratitude.

"Actually, this is my son's and daughter-in-law's wedding house." The couple's eyes widened in shock.

"Uncle… Why didn't you say that before!? If your son and daughter in law find out that it got used by some outsiders wouldn't they cause problems?" Minho nodded, making the uncle shake his head in denial.

"Don't worry. My son and his wife are both working in the city, besides after fifteen years, you guys are the first people to use this house." Jisung and Minho looked at each other. Relief washing over them in an instant.

"Thank you, Uncle." The man smiled.

"Your friend must be hungry. Just wait for a few more minutes, my granddaughter has almost finished making the food." The couple nodded thanking once again

"Okay then. Continue chatting with your friend. I will call you when the food is ready." The man then left the room, closing the door behind to give his visitors some privacy.

"So, nobody knows that we are husbands?" Jisung rolled his eyes, hearing the whining voice of his husband in amusement.

"How can I? It's not safe around a village. Homophobes are more common here than in cities." Minho nodded understanding the situation.

Having people against you in a small village has more intensity and gravity than in big cities.

Jisung took a seat beside Minho and sighed. " Thank goodness, you are alright now. I was getting worried when there was no movement in you for three days straight." Minho's eyes widened in shock.

"What! It's been three days?" Jisung nodded, making Minho worried. "Does anybody know that we are here?" Jisung shook his head.

"There is no signal here. I met a doctor here who is from the city. Apparently, he said that he hasn't contacted his family for one month, but said that he will go back to the city next week since it's nearing Christmas which means we will be able to go by then." Minho nodded.

"I am glad we are alive." Jisung smiled, grabbing Minho's hands in his.

"Me too."

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