MIK 33

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33: Jisung's past.

Every parent has a desire to bring a new addition to their family and when it happens the happiness they feel would be overwhelming. A day to remember.

However for Jisung, being born was a mistake made by his parents.

He wasn't even planned in the first place.

When he was born, his grandfather died the same week. His grandfather was already fighting for cancer and everyone knew he was going to die, but his death was blamed upon Jisung's birth. Superstitious undoubtedly.

When Jisung was three, the age where he noticed that his parents didn't provide him any attention, his grandmother was the only person who looked after him and treated him with care.

When he started attending pre-school, he always felt jealous and lonely, watching other kids' parents coming there to pick them up, but little Jisung was unaware of the feelings he was feeling at that time.

Then suddenly everything started shattering when Jisung became five years old.

His grandmother and him moved away from his parents' house. Little Jisung was confused with what was happening, but his small heart was in utter joy thinking that he would be able to spend his days alone with his favourite person, his grandmother.

However one day, he heard his grandmother talking to someone after making sure that he was asleep, but how could little Jisung sleep when there was no warmth beside him?

Jisung slowly peeked through the hole of the door and blinked his eyes, innocently watching his mother, father, grandmother and some unknown people talking to each other. He saw his mother crying, while his father was keeping quiet, glancing away from his mother.

That's when he came to hear the word divorce.

Little Jisung doesn't know what it meant, but all he knew was that he wouldn't be able to see his father and mother together. That he won't be able to see them on weekends where they used to visit him for a brief moment making sure that his grandmother was doing a good job with raising him.

That was the last time he saw his parents, after that it was only him and his grandmother in his life.

Making friends was difficult for little Jisung because everyone made fun of him, calling him an orphan when he wasn't.

He always refused to go to school on father's or mother's day as it was hard for a small heart to bear the pain of living like a kid with no parents. He always cried his heart out, clenching his fists on his grandmother's dress, telling how much it hurts him until he falls asleep, getting tired from all the crying.

Then at the age of thirteen, he lost the only person who cared about him.

He then was brutally thrown into the hands of his parents who surprisingly were living together.

Jisung had a room for himself, which he was glad as it was the only time he would be able to cry freely without fearing that anyone would see his state.

Yet what surprised him more was that his parents started sharing their daily life as well as started asking about his well being.

At first it was difficult for him to tell them or to open up to them about everything, but slowly he started warming up to them because for him at that moment they were the only one he had in his life.

During his highschool life he started having friends and they were always together. Among them, he had someone he relied on the most.

Kim Seungmin.

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