Action speaks louder than words.

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"The bus" I say and give him a look that says 'where is Sang? What do we do?

"Oh. I will text Mr.Blackbourne"

Right away he shows me a txt telling us that he will meet us at Kota with the others, so we just turns and walk inside to his room.

I can already feel something is seriously wrong, but I hope she at least is locked inside her room, scared of being confronted with her mother. That thought made me think of what I saw yesterday when I checked out the house.

Walking upstairs there was a door open that showed a bathroom with a toilet, sink and a shower with a bathtub. On the left I picked the lock to a room almost bare of furniture. There was only a bed with a comforter, a trunk under the window and a bookshelf with some books and a radio on it. Seeing that nobody was in her I moved to the next room that was located to the right of the bathroom.

This first bedroom and this one was on far side of a scale if possible. Clothes was all over the floor, the bed unmade and there was makeup smears on the mirror on the wall. There were posters on the walls, a TV with a stereo and pictures of Marie with different friends. So that meant that the other room was Sangs....

Why was there so big different between the two? Did Sang even know about this? Obviously they were treated differently regarding friends and so on, but did that also mean Marie got whatever she wanted and Sang nothing? Walking back into Sangs room I started looking at the details of the furniture. While Marie had all new stuff, Sang had old ones. The bed and the bookshelf were almost falling apart. SO UNFAIR!!!!

I vowed to myself then and there that if Sang came into our group, I would do what I can to make sure she from now on gets whatever she wants, whenever she wants. She deserves it!

One look at her when she was sneaking past my window and into the forest was all it took for me to get butterflies in my tummy. I think she's so cute, so damn beautiful. In spite of the circumstances I am glad I'm finally going to meet her properly, and get the opportunity to speak to her.

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't hear them coming up the stairs, suddenly the door open and all of the other guys come barging in.

"Mr. Lee- report." Mr.Blackbourne says as we all are sitting down.

Victors POV

Fate intervenes <COMPLETE>Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz