Rehearsals day one

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I waste up and I'm so happy that I'm getting to go back to dance. We went to the doctors yesterday and they says I'm all clear. I have a shower and wash my hair. Then I brush my teeth and Lilly drys my hair, she then puts it into a low bun. After I get changed into my Clara leo and have breakfast. I have toast with Nutella and strawberries with apple juice. After I get my shoes on and we head to the studio.
My outfit ~~

Once we arrive we head in and say hi to miss Abby at the desk

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Once we arrive we head in and say hi to miss Abby at the desk. "We all clear lila" she asks "oh yeah, ready to work miss Abby" I say. We head into the den and take our shoes if before heading into studio a. "Lila is back" I say walking in, all the girls run up to me and Presley picks me up. After we chat a bit Presley starts out warm-up. I feel so happy to be back dancing again. After the moms and miss Abby come in for pyramid.
The pyramid ~~

Elliana presley
Savannah Sarah lila-rose

"Okay guys well done last week. Great victory for us. Okay at the bottom of the pyramid is obviously lila-rose. You never danced last week so you're gonna be at the bottom. Next is Sarah. You messed up your solos, but apart from that it was good. Next is savannah. Amazing solos, a close call between you and Lilly. But you did lead the group to victory so well done. Moving up we have Presley and elliana. Your duet was amazing, you guys really told the story. Congratulations. And on top we have Lilliana. Your solsi was breathtaking, your emotions were so good. Best you've dancing in a while. Okay so this week we are heading to In10sity dance in Youngstown, Ohio. Now stars will be at the competition. There back ready to beat us after national's. So I have 3 solos and 1 duet. My first solo is going to lila-rose. You deserve to have a chance to do your ballet solos, and what a better week for you to go out and beat sarah again. My next solo is going to elliana. Now it's a bit different, it's jazz called vibeology. Mys final solos goes to Presley. It's contemporary called heal. They duet goes to Savannah and Lilliana. It's lyrical called say something. The group this week is lyrical called frost. Okay I'm going to start with Lila-rose solo. Everyone else is dissmissed" miss Abby says.

"I'm so excited that I get another chance to do my ballet solo, and compete it this time. I'm not nervous at all. I know I can beat sarah" I say in my interview

"Okay lila, your getting another chance to finally compete this solo. Now you should win by ten points because you have already learned it. I expect nothing less okay" miss Abby says. I nod. We run it a few more time and finishing the ending. We get to my turn section and I just freeze. "I can't do it" I say "why, you can lila" miss Abby "Lila, i know you can do it, I would have not put it in the routine if you couldn't" miss gianna comes over to me "no I can't, I'll hurt my self again" I say upset "lila you can, no need for tears" miss Abby says. I calm down a bit and try it. And it do it. "See I knew you could do it. Believe in yourself. Don't let your injury get in your head okay" miss Abby says to me. We finish my solo then I have jazz class.

we learn a new routine with some new moves we had learned in the class. At the end me lily and sav film it in a small group. After jazz we have lunch/homework break. I do my school work while we have lunch. After I have a ballet private with our ballet teacher. We work on my solo for the first half a hour, then we do a half a hour on pointe. I'm so excited for when I can finally dance on pointe. Then me and Lilly can do duets together. After ballet I head upstairs to see the moms. "Hey mom" I say sitting down on her lap. "Hi Lila, you okay" she asks "yeah I'm okay, I have a ballet private and I got to go in pointe this time" I tell her excitedly "aww that's great, I'm sure you'll be on pointe in no time. Go head down for tap" she tells me before I leave. In tap we learn a combo and do some drill with moves. Me and Savannah are in the advanced tap calss together. Savannah is such a good dancer. She is so well rounded in every style. After tap me and Lilly get our shoes on and we head home.

The youngest ketchmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora