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Lila-rose pov
"Okay Lila your solo is acro called glow, now it's your first solo at the ALDC so you need to win and show me you can be my big winner. Okay" I nod ever so slightly "Lila are you okay" miss Abby asks "I mean I guess I'm just a bit nervous" I say "aww Lila it's okay come here" I go up and she puts me on here lap " look there is nothing to be nervous about I would have not put you on the team if you couldn't do it okay. Would you maybe like lily to come and watch, would that make your anxiety levels go down" I nod "gianna go get Lilly" miss gianna goes and gets Lilly. Lilly comes in and sits at the front "okay so let's start" I start to learn my solo then this person walks in. "Hi Abby can I borrow Lila rose for her interviews, it will only take a few minutes" "yeah sure no problem". I walk out with the producer "hi Lila how about you go and get changed into the interview clothes your mom choose and meet me back in this room" they say "okay" and I walk and get changed and my mum comes down and fixes my bun. "Oh Lila you look so pretty, let's go into the interview room now okay" and we walk into this room
My outfit ~

In this font will be interviews Okay Lila you need to answer these question as if they were happening right now okay

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In this font will be interviews
Okay Lila you need to answer these question as if they were happening right now okay. So how did it feel when you found out you got a solo the producer says "I'm really excited to have a solo this week, hopefully I can win and show miss Abby that I can be a winner like my sister" okay next question. Why are you nervous "I'm really nervous because I know how miss Abby can be. and also with just meeting all the girls it was kinda overwhelming and my anxiety levels have went up, but with miss Abby giving me some encouragement I feel Better" okay Lila-rose thank you, I get hanged back into my dance clothes then go back into the studio.

It takes around half a hour to finish my solo but we finally do it. "well done Lila you did so good, how about you go up and see your mum while I finish the other dances and tomorrow we will do the group dance" "thank you miss Abby and miss gianna" I give them both hugs then I go up to see my mommy.

"Hi mommy" I say as I enter the moms seating area "hey lila how was your solo rehearsals" "okay, my anxiety levels were a bit high at the start but miss Abby gave me some hugs and got Lilly to come and sit in and watched Which made me feel a bit better" "okay baby how are you feeling now would you like to go down with the girls or stay up here" "I want to stay with you" "okay baby and I can introduce you to the other moms" so I sit down on my moms lap. "Hi lila I'm Ann, Hannah mother" "hi lila I'm Joanne, gianina mom" "hey lila my names Michelle and Sarah is my daughter" "hi Lila I'm Ashley and pressley is my daughter" "and you obviously know who I am Yolanda Elli's mom" after I stay with my mum for a bit and watch elli's solo rehearsal after she finishes she comes upstairs "hey Lila since I'm finshed my solo do you want to come down to studio c and play for a bit, maybe leave are moms to talk" elli asks "yeah sure, mommy where are the toys I brought" I ask "there in your dance bag in the den okay babes" my mom says "bye mom" and I leave with elli to go play with my toys.

Stacey's pov
"Lila us so cute Stacy she reminds me a lot of Hannah" Ann says "aww thanks Ann, but I'm kinda worried about her" "what's wrong Stacy" Yolanda says "well she was recently diagnosed with a illness that means she will be quite small for the next few years and won't grow that much like Lilly so there is a lot of drama in the mornings trying to do her growth shots, also she will also act quite you for a while because of her illness" I start to tear up a bit "aww Stacy I'm so sorry" Michelle says "yeah it's been a hard few months and it doesn't help she is shy and has anxiety, so I'm just worried she will just one day crack under pressure" i reply "well I've already talked to pressley and she has said all the girls Adore lila already and that they really want to take care of her, so if you don't mind maybe when we get home we could let are kids know, so that they can all be like big sisters to her and look after her if you get a bit upset" Ashley says "yes ofc If you would like to let your daughter know". "Im just going to talk to Abby, I'll be right back" Joanne says.

Lila pov
I'm sitting in watching my sister and Hannah learn there duet and there really good. "Hi Abby I would just like to notify you about our perfect lila" Joanne says "if it's that she has anxiety then I know" miss Abby replies "not it's that you have a physical Ill child on your team that's acts like a toddler" Joanne says. I start to cry. "What Lilliana is this true" "yes so Lila has a illness where she won't grow and act younger for a bit" Lilliana says, "Joanne that is no reason to go after a child, she is seven" miss Abby says Hannah seen me crying and comes over and picks me up and takes me upstairs. "Omg Hannah what happened" my mum asks "Joanne happened" she tells my mom "I swear to god I'm gonna kill a bitch" she walks downstairs "Lila are you okay" Hannah asks, I just nod. After we finish we all end up going home.

We arrive home and I straight away go in the shower and my mum helps me wash my hair then I get out and put my pjs on and she does my hair into Dutch braids.
My pjs ~

My hair ~

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My hair ~

Then I go into the kitchen where me and Lilliana have spaghetti

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Then I go into the kitchen where me and Lilliana have spaghetti. "So today was very eventful, wasn't it" my mommy says "yeah I mean hope it's not like that all the time, but I love my solo and I'm really excited to learn the group to" I say. After we finish eating we all go to bed.

The youngest ketchmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora