Rehearsals day two and competition

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This morning I woke up and had a quick shower, but put a shower cap on so my hair wouldn't get wet. After I dry my self off then pick out my clothes and get changed. I choose my Naomi black crop top and leggings. I then go through to Lilly's room where she does my hair. She does this cool bun and adds a red bow to match my ALDC red hoodie. After we both go for breakfast. We have pancakes and I have apple juice while Lilly has orange. Then we grab are dance bags and put our shoes on. Then we head to the studio.
My outfit ~~~~~

 My outfit ~~~~~

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My hair

Once we arrive at the studio we say hi to miss gianna who is at the front desk then head into the den

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Once we arrive at the studio we say hi to miss gianna who is at the front desk then head into the den. I take if my shoes and grab my water before going into the studio. I say hi to all the girls then Hannah starts warm up. We also do a little bit of strength and conditioning. After are warm up I have tap before we start the group. Tap is one of my favourite classes and hopefully I can have a tap solo this season cause I have been working really hard. I'm in the same class as gianina since we are both quite advanced in tap. After tap class I have some chips before we go in for group.

"I'm excited for the group this week. I love musical theatre cause it's not about being serious, it's about having lots of fun" i say in my interview

"Okay so the group is musical theatre called the 7 dancers. It's musical theatre. Now it's inspired by snow who're and the seven dwarfs. You will all have a character. Hannah you will be stretchy, gianina you will be smiley, Presley you will be sassy, Sarah you will be shady, elliana you will be snobby, Lilliana you will be slouchy and Lila-rose you will be silly. Let's start" miss Abby says. The group dance is really fun but the music is kinda annoying. Once we have finished the group we all run the dancers before heading home. Once me mom and Lilly arrive home I have some dinner then we pack are suitcases with are costumes and make-up. Then I get ready and go to bed.

The next day ~~~~~

This morning I woke up super early and put my ALDC onesie on. I then make my bed before brushing my hair and putting it onto two bunches. After I have a quick breakfast. I have two granola bars and some water. After I pack my rucksack with any last minute things and put my shoes on. Then we head down to the car and go to the studio. Once we arrive at the studio I give my suit case to the bus driver and hop on the bus. I sit next to elli. We okay some games and watch James Charles on YouTube. Once we arrive at the competition we arrive with a bunch of fans waiting for us to get if the bus. We say hi to all of them and head to the dressing room.

When we get there we set up next to elli and yolanda divide we are doing are trio together. My mom helps Lilly with her hair while yolanda does mine. After me Lilly and elli all do are make-up. After miss Abby has talked to Hannah and gianina me Lilly and elli along with all the moms go into the audience while Sarah and Presley go backstage with Hannah and gianina. Once we go in the Audience they are just about near the end of Hannah and gianina section so we only watch a few numbers then it's gia.

Next up in senior solo is miss gianina with it's all coming back

She did really good but I think she could of done better, and by the expression on miss Abby's face she agrees. After Hannah comes on.

Last up in senior solo is miss Hannah with at last

Hannah did so good. I think she will definitely win. After we all head back to the dressing room. Once we get back I give Hannah and gia both hugs and tell them they did a great job. After I get changed into my trio costume. Once we are all ready we stretch and run are trio. After miss Abby talks to us. "Okay so we have elliana Lilliana and Lila-rose. Now this is the first trio is this season so u all need to win. This trio is full of technique and u have to be perfect with the timing. Good luck" miss Abby says. Are moms give us hugs then we head backstage. We have are little group huddle then get ready to go on.

Last up in are teen duet/trio is elliana Lilliana and Lila-rose with dead in the water

(Elliana is the taller one Lilliana is the middle one and Lila-rose is the smaller one)

"We were great" i say as we come of. "Yess probably one of are best" elli says. After we head backstage and start getting ready for the group. Once we get back are moms and the girls give us hugs. My mom then does my hair for the group and I touch up my make-up. Then we all get changed into are costumes. After my mom sees me and Lilly's headpiece into are heads then we start running the group. After miss Abby talks to us. "Okay so the group is musical theatre, something we don't do very often called the 7 dancers. Now you al need to act, cause that's what musical theatre groups are all about. Telling a story. Goodluck" miss Abby says. Are moms gives us all goodluck hugs then we head backstage. "Okay so I know we say this every time, but we need to show miss Abby that we are more than just lyrical and contemporary group dancers. We can do any style she gives us and excel with it. Okay love you guys" Hannah says. We have a group huddle then get ready to go on.

Last up in are teen small group is the Abby lee dance company with the 7 dancers

(Hannah is Sarah GiaNina is Kayleigh Presley is Nia Sarah is Chloe elliana is Maddie Lilliana is Kendall and Lila-rose is Mackenzie)

I think we did really good with what we were given but it depends on if the judges go for a pretty lyrical group. After we head back on for awards. They start with the mini solos, then go onto the junior then pre-teen then teen and finally senior. Hannah and gianina category. "2nd in senior solo is miss gianina with it's all coming back. 1st in senior solo is miss Hannah with at last" yay Hannah won, but I'm still feel bad for gia since she lost. After they do the mini, junior and pre-teen duet/trio. Then it's are trio category. "2nd in teen duet/trio is Layla, rose and Sofia with trip a little light. 1st in teen duet/trio is elliana, Lilliana and Lila-rose with dead in the water" yay we won. Me elli and Lilly jump up and go and collect are trophy. After we sit back down we wait a little bit then it's are group section. "1st in teen small group is the Abby lee dance company with the 7 dancers" yay I'm so happy the group win, and so surprised. There were so many other great groups. After we head back to the dressing room. When we get back we get surround by hugs from everyone. We then pack up all are stuff then get on the bus. Then we all head home.

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