He moved away from the wall of already dirtied and twisted bones as a crowd of hellbent warriors followed him into their desolate world. This universe was turned into a battlefield, all meant for him. His feet slapped the dirt below as he ran, he could feel the gushes of wind as missed attacks barely scratched his coat. If he stopped he'd be bombarded with attacks, his bones would be ripped off and turned to dust, his clothes burned then its ashes burned until there was nothing left. His skull would be crushed and thrown away as they'd serve no purpose other than to satisfy their need for his blood. He'd be nothing more than a thought... maybe it'd be for the better. He stopped for a second, a second too long, a second that was enough for the army. Their attacks hit as wounds opened and objects were viciously pushed deeper into his bones, his clothes were ripped and he fell to the ground. The ground burst open as magic attacks grabbed the Destroyer and kept him to the ground. War cries sounded around the universe as people stacked on top one another to just get a hit on the Destroyer. They were filled with Determination, determined to end this beast. To finish a war they bought themselves in. to make all their training worth it. Punches and kicks that bruised and dislodged his bones, Magic attacks grabbed at his bones breaking and mangling them, pushing them to pieces and making them useless. He'd never walk on this plane again. And if he were to come back, they'd just beat him again. If he even could come back after this. So driven by their beliefs in the Creator, Their Creator, they were too enticed to notice their own faces were covered in dirt, scars flowing with the scattered blood of their enemy. A wide grin as they fulfilled their purpose. If they only looked at their allies they wouldn't help but think of them as ugly and devilish as their enemy. One who had put their everything into this exact moment saw these faces of the devil. A wide grin paired with dirty skin filled with the blood of another. It sickened them. Their fists full of blood tightened as they went for the attack. Half of the others HP was taken from the attack yet many didn't stop, instead taking the ill-minded soldier's place in finishing off the Destroyer. The trained soldier continued punching the twisted soldier as the other defended themselves. They too saw a coal boned skeleton. Not the destroyer but a skeleton Monster who looks like him. They two fought thinking they were attacking the Destroyer, their fight was seen by others who were as delusional as the two, their limbs shaking taking heavy breaths, their fists covered with blood as is their armor. Their eyes bloodshot with fury. Such creations fighting for a good cause looked no better than their enemy.

Furious stomps in the ground caught people's attention. Looking in the direction of the oncoming footsteps there was a militia of metal armored, 7 feet(2.1 meters) tall mechs that were lined with weaponry in place of hands. Machine guns, rifles, missile and grenade launchers, and flamethrowers covered their hands as they made their slow but effective walk towards the flesh army. The machines made a quick approach as they rose above the hills and over the fallen trees. Looking at the crowd of dirt and debris covered, blood splattered and heavy breathing monsters. Their eyes were crazed as they stared at the giant mechs. No one mentioned new technology such as this, they were using mostly old-fashioned attacks, rifles and raw magic attacks were used yet no one was aware of this foreign machinery. The computers looked onto the dirtied crowd and mistook them for the demon they all wished to kill. These bots were made for this sole purpose, being kept in working condition until the eventual day the Destroyer would invade their world. A single confirmation was enough to begin the assault of a lifetime.

They attacked. Raising their machinery and firing bullets upon bullets to the mob, those without weapons quickly moved with static yet rapid motion, lunging at singled out people dragging their bodies to the ground and endlessly delivering punches with sharp or dull limbs. Rocks and fallen trees were picked up by both sides, being hurled at each other. People were crushed and tackled, impaled and torn, thrown and mangled. Many attacked a single mech, making it self-destruct to kill by the dozen. Kamikazes filled the battle field as more mechanized weapons entered the field. No body on the floor looked anything like what it was once before, dust covering blood, blood decorating the black and brown dirt and building bodies on the floor. Pieces of metal flew around the sky impaling some and being used as weapons for others, their sacrifices only prolonging this battle. The metallic armor was covered with splattered blood of those it killed, more physical mechs were covered in more blood and dirt to accompany it. Organs and muscles fell off their stained metal shell. Not one bot showed remorse. Not that they could show any. With their attacks focused on a completely different target, the Destroyer was left for dead. His bones were filled with holes and even more cracks, one of his legs was thrown a distance away and his clothes were torn from the onslaught of attacks. Vines and summoned attacks below him held down his bones continuously draining in HP by 1 yet giving him a break that he believed he didn't deserve but secretly hoped for. His skull was broken with his sockets having been mostly attacked and his eyelights being faint. He was breathing heavily as his ribs and pelvis were torn. Red was all he could see and pain filled his senses, taking a deep breath that dislodged a rib or two, he forced his eyelights to light up only getting one to fully activate and for half his sight to be restored. To an extent. Everything was blurred but he could still see the blood red sky hanging overhead. He looked around and saw nothing but bodies. Bodies he didn't kill. He didn't gain anything from this, why bother? What exactly did Ink think he would gain from this AU? Looking at the barren sky, charcoal clouds floated lazily in front of a crimson background yet They somehow also looked ready to attack him. The barren ground he was left upon was uncomfortable on his spine as rocks and pointed attacks dug into his spine. Magic long tainted and irritable settled across his bones ready to restrain and jump at him further. His eyes felt heavier as his body laxed, bones scratched against one another as vines tightened around his arms. Opening his sockets he didn't know he closed, he glanced around making sure there weren't many assaulters around him, he released one of his arms and quickly released his other restrained limbs. The vines tightened and blood and dust was left on impaled attacks, quickly getting up he stumbled on a wayward vine and looked around. His bones were filled with holes, red ribs covered in his own blood fell to the ground as a part of his fibula was missing. With his skull leaning to the right due to neck pain, he looked around the battleground. This universe was meant to destroy his bloodline yet it only destroyed itself from the inside.

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