Chapter 20: The Party (III).

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Chapter 20: The Party (III).

Elizabeth's POV

I... have seemed to have gotten myself into a little predicament on what I would call, babysitting. I was stuck with the duty of accompanying the Duke's daughter, the man who had the gall to assassinate me just this morning.

"This is Mrs. Lolli! And her husband is called Joe!" (Melrose) began to hold two dolls in her hands showing them to me and I tried to smile all that I could in order not to offend her. I acted like I was enjoying what she was doing.

"They are lovely dolls, do you play with them often?" I ask and she smiles, the other children that were near were a little unsure if they should approach us or not.

Melrose Neyemar, my cousin and heir to the Erhenzig Duchy. She has just turned the same age as me and the only thing I could appraise from her personality- is that-

"Yeah! I play with them almost every day! Mommy gave them to me and I love them!" (Melrose) puffs out her little chubby cheeks and I found that part of her a little endearing.

Her whole personality was nothing as I expected, I was hoping to see a spoiled brat or a neglected girl but- she seems to have everything she needs materialistic-wise.

Melrose was a curious, friendly, and bubbly little girl.

Nothing like his father over there in the corner trying to get the other nobles to agree with his small talk.

"Hahaha! I know! I wasn't expecting to see the princess wearing all blue when it's scarlet-red themed! I'm sure she must have misunderstood the invitation's instructions. It's all the same, perhaps she can't read..." (Duke Damien) began conversing with the other aristocrats who began to shift uncomfortably with his words.

They all began sipping their tea or wine, trying to agree but they all knew the accident was rather intentional.

"Hahaha... yes, yes."

"Lovely weather isn't it?"

"Mm... the princess is indeed lovely- I mean not lovely in that gown of hers."

We were still in the ballroom and there were a few guests still roaming around drinking their liquor not minding my rather... unkempt state. It seems that one even found me lovely despite the slight stain over by the side, I am tired of changing clothes.

Lovely classical music would play over us. I observed the place's interior and was impressed with it. The scarlet red theme set everything apart, everyone in their red dress or suits- differently designed and tailored to fit.

I assume... Melrose's favorite color is red.

"Hmm..." I noticed that there was a mountain of gifts not too far away. I have forgotten to give mine out of all the sudden events and invitations for playtime that happened.

"You can be Joe and I can be Mrs. Lolli." (Melrose) tells me happily and I blink at her in confusion, coming back to my senses I looked at the doll she was holding.

Empress of Eternal Winter (GL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora