Chapter 7: Royal Library (III).

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Chapter 7: Royal Library (III).

Elizabeth's POV

Seeing Victoria's pleading face I did eat one brownie to satisfy her stare and it was delicious! The cocoa beans I ordered were something of a rare find only growing in summer continents and tropical ones, a few instructions followed. We've made chocolate for use.

Cocoa beans were deemed useless being only a fruit, deemed to have either tasted sweet or bitter yet they never experimented beyond more than that.

"This tastes amazing!" I yelped in urgency wanting to grab more, however- I realized there were only a few more left on the plate. If I dare grab more there would be nothing left of my dessert.

"Hmm..." I grumbled with a frown.

The beans take a long time for fermentation- I can't just gobble them up like nothing!

Savoring is the way of keeping my diet disciplined, "I should continue my research on how to better my country first before I go back to eating. How about some history books to start my kingdom's flaws?"

A few minutes have gone by, and I suddenly feel a bit droopy after picking up a new book after learning about magic. "History in great detail, there were a lot of wars. Such topics would usually excite me; however, I'm still famished. I have no choice but to take more..."

I dropped the book after remembering the page number I was at and grabbed a brownie realizing it was still a bit warm.

It almost fell to the floor but thankfully I caught it in time.

Taking a bite I immediately forgot my manners and began eating fast like a pig.


I saw Victoria make a quick satisfied smile staring at my face.

I didn't even ask if she wanted some...

"Umm... D-Do you want one?"

"Oh! Will it be alright if I did?" (Victoria) asks, smiling.

She blinks excitedly although she's trying to compose her calm self. I can feel it.

"Yes, It would be better if you eat with me. I... don't like eating alone." I muttered the last part a little too much like a whisper.

I... was always alone at home. I can't help but make a bitter frown remembering parts of my memory from my previous life.

I understand I was conceived out of duty, the law, and an accident.

I wasn't supposed to be... here.

I yearned for their love and attention yet, my parents on earth- didn't want me. I understood why as I grew older, it just hurts every time they tell me that I wasn't wanted.

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