Chapter 36: The Hard Working Princess (II).

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Chapter 36: The Hard Working Princess (II).

Elizabeth's POV

The nights align, I can't count the days where I haven't studied in advance for any upcoming tasks, exams or questions the scholars might give me.

Victoria kept telling me not to push myself over the edge but I couldn't help it.

"Now, your highness, we'll be studying the main elements of magic and the rare branches of extension of them." One of the scholars writes on a black board, holding the chalk on his hand and drawing a few sigils of the elements. "Everyone's magic will be unlocked through these sets of theories."

I took a look at the page of my book where our lesson was headed as I listened to the scholar doing his best to teach me, my eyes were slowly beginning to do dizzy spells.

My eyes blur the texts, but I bite the inside of my cheek feeling the pain in hopes it could help me stay awake.

"Emotional theory, where in sudden distress the magic awakens inside of the user by force. This is common to children who were at such a young age, developed so much stress and flooded emotion they came bursting out. Only happens at rare times, proven and tested."

The Emotional Theory shows a picture of a little child being thrown into the pits of many tasks, burden, and then showing their prowess in magic awakening at such a young age, the illustration of the child was even younger than me.

Close to being an infant.


"Age theory, many percentages of the children whether it be other countries have their magic awakened by the age of seven to thirteen."

The book shows the Age Theory being a simple explanation of it comes with age, seven to thirteen. "What happens if one... doesn't awaken their magic past thirteen?"

"Oh... your highness, then the child is simply a late bloomer waiting a few years before they will be awakened or they are what we call-" I stop him remembering the answer to people who don't have magic.


[Morama] are people who were born like me back from earth, someone who doesn't have Mana running through their bodies.

I flipped the page seeing another illustration of the anatomy of a human body, the ones of this world have another set of veins.

The heart doesn't only produce and pump blood, it generates mana as well. The more healthy and stamina you have, the better your mama reserve is.

Just by breathing you're already feeling the flow of mana around, from the air, water, earth and fire.

The scholars blinked and nodded at my answer. "Precisely, well it seems you know the answer to your own question."

"Apologies, the answer suddenly dawned on me. Remembering I've remembered reading before."

"I hope the book contains on what our kingdom does to those kinds of people, someone who doesn't have magic is bound to be a slave and nothing more." He rolls his eyes looking disgusted upon having this talk about [Morama] people. "Anyone who doesn't have magic would be seen as a cursed being, unfavored by the gods and believed to be their past soul sinning."

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