Chapter 17: Mom.

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Chapter 17: Mom.

Elizabeth's POV

Victoria came back to my side, as I was trying to ease my mind by playing with the horses. The scattered bodies were not making it easy for me to be at peace.

"Your highness, are you still able to continue traveling to the Duke's estate?" she asked me, looking worried, there was a tinge of blood right on the leg of her uniform and I frowned. I don't know how this woman can get worried for another person when she's hurt.

The wound from her leg must've been when she kicked the mercenary over by the tree.

"I am fit to travel but... you're..." I pointed at her leg and she grimaced, now only noticing the blood and wound over her leg. Victoria holds the hem of her skin and hides it from my sight.

"I am fit to travel as well, your highness. The sooner we get out of the road and into your uncle's estate you'll be..." (Victoria) seemed unsure of herself, biting her lip and her eyes couldn't look at mine.

Seeds of doubt have already sprung.

"My Uncle, whom I've never met, has planned this, hasn't he? To kill me... it's his doing." I tell her with a calm voice, Victoria flinches but it was clear that my suspicions were right.

From the horses, the material of the carriages, and the timing is just- all too perfect.

"...It is what I am fearing." (Victoria) lowers her head before continuing her report. "The coachman of our ride has gone missing as well, he may have fled into safety or it was in their plan for him to run while we fought for our lives."

I turn towards the injured guards taking their time to rest while the others who were of water affinity cast their first-aid spell.

"Are... they alright? No one died right?" I looked up hoping that none of my guards were part of the bodies on the floor.

Victoria smiles walking over and reaching out to pat my head but stopped realizing it was stained with blood.

"Casualty report, there are five injured guards all minor injuries and nothing life-threatening. Some mercenaries escaped once they realized they stood no chance." Her voice was strained, sounding tired and strict. Her black eyes stared into mine, having the same empty look but soon that was gone once I sighed with a breath of relief.

"...I'm glad none of you were hurt so badly."

"..." (Victoria) stood speechless and ignored the blood in her hands holding me close.

She must've seen the tears falling out of me not stopping. I-I couldn't get them to stop. It was my first time in years getting out of the safest place I could go- now I saw blood, bodies everywhere- and Victoria getting hurt.

I tried not to cry, whenever I cried- I was always scolded right after.

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