Chapter 50: Orphanage (II).

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Chapter 50: Orphanage (II).

Elizabeth's POV

We stopped hugging and went back immediately on the mission.

"Everything is still bits and pieces of puzzles needing to be solved-" I know that there's something more to the story, I wasn't expecting for it to be this complicated but the old lord did something to the whole village not just the orphanage.

"We should ask a few more local shops just in incase." I didn't want to end my search for information because we could always learn something new. I hugged all the books I bought and carried it for now.

"Yes, your highness."

If I use my [Storage Ring] in public, everyone will know I'm no ordinary commoner just browsing around a small village for a visit.

"Let's continue with our mission to-"



It was the sound of my stomach growling loudly- I forgot that I haven't eaten lunch yet and dinner is still a few hours away.

"Is that someone's stomach growling?" (Victoria) teased me as she tried muffling out a soft giggle.

Really stomach? You sure like ruining sweet moments like this a lot.

"It wasn't- I could still keep going, we can still ask around and-" I was stopped by another sound of my stomach continuing to embarrass me.

"...I hate this."

She could only pat my head and take one of my hands, holding it into hers. I look up at Victoria who gives me a tired smile but still manages to keep it all together.

"I believe we still have a lot of time before they notice our disappearance in the palace. Now, how about something to fill your little monster in your stomach?" (Victoria) cheerfully said as she took out some coins in her ring.

"Ahem, Dad as you can see- I am a lady, born with grace, beauty and elegance. There are no monsters living in this beautiful temple that is my body." I sassily placed my hands on my waist, giving her the blinking effect and dramatically placed a hand over my head leaning back.

"The deities should be envious of such a human rivaling their physical appearance." I boasted once more, but was only met with a harsh hand hitting the back of my head. "Ow!"

"Daughter of mine, it's time to wake up on your delusions and realize you have an appetite that can rival any boy and don't you 'Ow!' me. That barely even hurt."

"Dad, how dare you hit your own daughter-! You're sooo mean! Ow!"

We stared at each other and burst out laughing before deciding to go into the food stall area, planning to fill my stomach to the brim. I still had the bread from the bakery- so I decided to find some meat to fill it up with.

We decided to visit one of the food stalls that our nose approved of.

Seems like one of them was selling hot pirozhki. I was sweet or salty dough buns that could be filled in or stuffed with meat, mushrooms, and any kind of vegetables-!

"Victoria I want at least ten of those!" I tugged on her sleeve and pointed at the piping hot treats. The scent of the cooked meat was tempting me! "Please, dad!"

"Alright daughter of mine, ten of those you shall get." She walked into the stall, asking for five meat pirozhki and the rest could be the mushrooms. We paid upfront first before getting in the queue, "Thank you."

We waited for a few minutes, there were a few other people in the line waiting for their own order. Victoria held my hand in order for me to not get cold as we waited.

"I wonder how it'll taste." I ask, watching the vendor quickly cooking the meat filling and stuffing them in the dough before baking them inside the Masonry oven otherwise known as the brick oven.

"Heave ho!" The vendor wiped his sweat, taking out the fresh batch he placed before and happily showed it to us before being placed in parchment paper and into the brown paper bag. "Thank you for buying."

I held a pirozhki in my hand and started biting into it, the bun was still hot and I think I burnt my tongue a little.


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