Chapter 8: The servants inside the castle (I).

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Chapter 8: The servants inside the castle (I).

Elizabeth's POV

The morning woke me with its blinding light from the sun, I could hear the curtains shift as Victoria's figure loomed over the side. "Your highness, our studies will now always be in the library per your instructions in the morning and the afternoon-"

I yawned, wiping the morning stars out of my eyes, and told her what I would be doing for the rest of my future afternoons. "My... afternoons will be spent observing the castle with everyone's duties to see if there will be anything of need to be improved."

"Yes, your highness."

Victoria tries to help me out of bed but I decided I'm a bit too old to stop playing and pretend to be a little innocent princess that knew nothing.

I had... a wonderful dream that night, my hands holding the head of the deity whom I swore to seek vengeance.

"Have you done what I asked? To gain permission from the council that I would be taught the arts of fighting, weapons, and war into my learning curriculum?" I asked her to walk towards the bathroom seeing that there was already hot water prepared for bathing.

Victoria must've prepared this when I was still sleeping. I tested the water, brushing my fingertip with its surface and it was perfect.

I quickly undress, getting in the ceramic tub and feeling the right temperature on my skin keeping me warm.

"I have asked them, yes. However- a response is yet to be given." (Victoria) kneels over to the side of the bathtub looking over the fragrant shampoo, rolling her sleeves she places some over her palm rubbing it together before trying to clean my hair.

I sat perfectly in place.

"I suppose I will wait for a few more days, and if that will be left unnoticed I have no choice but to face the council myself." I frowned, knowing the council will not take my request so lightly.

A woman learning the arts of fighting was something of a hogwash thing to have ever been heard.

And if the nobility learns that the future empress learning how to hold a weapon- now that's double the disappointment.

With the rules and traditional outlook, the women in this kingdom were supposed to be prim, proper, well-groomed, and obey their husbands. Expected to do nothing, bear an heir, tea parties- socialize making friends with the other noble ladies.

As the saying goes in one of their texts, "A woman who obeys is a blessing from the heavens."

It was a patriarchal ruling, and it will serve as a disadvantage for me.

My mother, the former empress of this kingdom may have been a famed inventor that helped the kingdom industrialize the country with her newfound research and inventions making her loved by the citizens but being heavily criticized by the nobility around her.

She didn't partake in any activities like fathers on the topic of fighting and war against the demons.

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