31)"Is it finished?"

Start from the beginning

When something in my arms starts to hurt, I groan. I look down and notice a green flash on my skin. I stand up and examine my arm. "What the fuck is going on?" I say out loud.

Someone bursts through the door, and I stare at them with wide eyes. "It's the tracker that we implanted in you several years ago. It has authority over you and can harm you. Meaning we have complete control over you. "He emphasizes moving farther into the room.

What the fuck!

"Fuck you," I say, and he simply laughs.

"You will, soon," he adds, and I turn away in disgust. He just takes the seat across from me and stares at me.

"What in the hell are you looking at?" I say, and he looks at me angrily.

Shit Thalia are trying to get yourself killed

"I don't like being disrespected," he says as he clicks something, causing my arms to drop to my sides. In surprise, I looked at my arm, then at him. "Look, you're vulnerable right now, which means you'll do whatever I say and whatever I want," he says with a devilish grin.

"Why are you using this on me now?" I inquired, perplexed, and he shrugged.

I might be calm on the outside but I'm freaking out on the inside. How can he controll me? I can't fucking move my arms.

"I kind of desire you right now. Knowing your father had a child with someone else, your mother slutted herself out to him." He then gasps, as if he hadn't just said something significant. "My fault, did I tell you something you didn't know?" he pouts, and I scoff.

"I already knew before you went all terrorist on the cafe, mother told me," I smugly say.

I have a death wish

My body then freezes, and I am unable to move. I glanced at him with frantic eyes, "Hm, terrified, aren't you?" he adds as he approaches me.

Fuck, I can't move

I try to walk back, but my body is immobilized. I was unable to move. My only option was to use my mouth. "I'd never be scared of a jackass like you," I say.

yup, I'm going to die because of my stupid mouth

"You're just like your mother," he chuckles, moving my hair to the side, and blowing his breath on my neck.

My eyes narrow as I try to get away from him. I need help and now I can't move my body making myself even more vulnerable. I don't want him touching me or his breath on me. It made me want to throw up.

I didn't mind Sandro's touch because it was soft, gentle and caring as if he was afraid I'll break. I wanted Sandro and I need him now.

But is he okay? The explosion, is he okay? I don't know if he was severly hurt as I woke up here, with this creepy as man staring at me. I was in the dark and I tried to get answers from him but he would wave me off and continue watching me.

Please Sandro find me

I pleaded in my head for him to find me or someone to find us

This time can someone help me


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