3)"Are you okay?"

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Thalia POV:

We finally made it out of the tunnel without getting hurt. We're currently rushing through the dark woods because we didn't realize it was night. It's a little creepy, but I don't mind at the moment. 

We've been jogging in the woods for about 30 minutes when Mirabella says, "Let's take a break, I need to regain my breath," and sits on a rock. 

"Me too," I remark as I sit next to her, inhaling and exhaling to catch my breath. I touch my ear hissing feeling where the bullet grazed at.

Because the forests are 30 miles long, it would take us 15 hours just to get out of them on foot. We're only taking this long because we're both hurt and need to rest. If we are not injured, it will take us around 7 hours and 30 minutes to leave the forests. I did the calculations. 

I'm curious if my dream in which I was this CEO whom everyone revered was a reality or if it was simply another of my dreams. 

Clearly a dream 

Why are you here? 

Because I’m you 

Chris completely destroyed my life. I'm not sure why it's me or anyone else at this point. What was the cause? 

Then Ava, was she a snake the whole time, claiming to worry about me but telling Chris when I'd escape? Is that when they used the hallucinogen to put me to sleep? 

Is Chris still alive? I shot him in the chest, but a gunshot to the chest has a high probability of surviving. I don't care if he's tortured or killed; I just want him gone for good. 

Mirabella should teach Ava a lesson; it'll be entertaining to watch. Or, if we find her brother, they can keep her imprisoned and torture her. 

Now that I think about it, Ava and Chris were dating from the beginning. I was merely a pawn in some game, and if I was, how did I miss it? 

Maybe I am stupid 

you are 

Fuck you 

My thoughts then turned to Alessandro, alias Hades. In my dream, I still have feelings for Hades, so how would this work? The Alessandro/Hades returned my love, but the one in real life doesn't even know who I am. 

I'm afraid I'll be heartbroken, or that if I mention something about him that no one knows about, he'll think of me as creepy, which I don't want. 

I love Hades, but he will never love me back in real life. 


I haven't spoken anything since I was in my feelings, knowing that the man I love doesn't know who I am. I know Mimi wants to ask me a question, but I can't look at her without picturing Hades. 

"Are you okay?" She wants me to stop in front of her. I move my gaze away from her, not wanting to see how her concern echoes that of her brothers. "I'm Fine; let's keep going. We have no idea what's out here." 

"Are you certain?" She inquires. I gave her a brief look before walking away, saying, "Yes, everything is good. As per usual." 

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