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3 years later

Romeo's pov:

"1, 2, 3 catch me papá!" Isabella shouts at me from the edge of the pool. I let out a small chuckle as I encourage her to jump into the pool in our backyard moreso into my arms "I've got you baby belleza, just jump."

With an uncertain look on her face and just about the cutest squeal known to man, my very cute - nearly - three year old throws herself into the pool and with a dramatic expression of difficulty. I catch her before she can properly go underwater. When Isabella wipes the stray splashes of water off of her face, she looks up at me and claps proudly for herself.

"I did it papá! Yay! Maman, tu as vu ça [mum did you see that]?" Isabella's beaming smile was now directed towards my heavenly wife, who sat on one of the deck chairs close by watching us intently with a small, contented smile on her face.

Amélie proudly praised our daughter "Well done baby! Je suis si fier de toi [I'm so proud of you]. Come out so I can put more sunscreen on you." She gently waves Isabella over to her.

Mél begins to stand up, groaning as she holds her heavily pregnant belly with one hand and squeezing the arm of the deck chair with the other "Mia belleza, you can't get up so quickly, you'll hurt yourself and the babies." I quickly swim over to the edge of the pool with one arm around Isabella as she clings on to me.

"Maman be careful! Me and papá will help you." Isabella comforts Mél gently as she goes to give her a hug and a kiss on her belly.

I think my heart just melted.

I know I'm meant to be the capo of the biggest and best mafia in the world, but my girls are my everything, and without them, my life would have no value. No meaning. So, yes, my heart constricts when my beautiful wife and daughter hug or tell me that they love me and yes, I do get a bit teary-eyed from time to time when Isabella learns a new skill or when Mél tells me she's proud of me when I've had a hard day with the mafia, but I couldn't be any happier.

Like I said, my family is my everything and I love them with every ounce of my heart.

Speaking of family, Christos followed by Amara walk through the back door of our house just as I walk over to Amélie and place a kiss on her forehead and two on her swollen belly - for the twins. When the doctors told us we were having twins, I told them to leave the room immediately. I didn't want anyone to see me hectically ball my eyes out of happiness or kiss Amélie and her belly until my lips were numb.

"Hey guys! Look what the New York cat dragged back in. The supermodel has finally graced us with her presence." Christos says teasingly at Amara.

She playfully smacks his chest as she runs towards Mél and Isabella, crushing them in a big hug. She kneels down to get to the same height as Isabella and lightly taps her nose "Hey pretty princess, Mi sei mancato [I missed you]." She says quietly. Isabella grins at her and wraps her arms around Amara's neck making her chuckle at Isabella's excitement to see her.

"Mi manchi anch'io zia Amara [I missed you too auntie Amara]!" Isabella says excitedly.

A warm smile sets on my face as I see my sister for the first time in 2 years "So what, you become a famous superstar, turn 18 and forget all about your brother? I'm offended!" I say jokingly as I open my arms for my baby sister.

She sets Isabella down and she runs into Christos' awaiting arms "How's my favourite niece doing?" He chuckles as he dramatically scoops her up and tickles her.

"I'm your only niece uncle Chris!" Isabella giggles.

Amara suddenly crushes me in a hug and I let out a pained laugh as I wrap my arms around my - not so baby - sister, who seems to have grown about 3 inches since the last time I saw her "Happy belated birthday Ami, was New York fun?" I ask her as we come out of the hug.

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