Twenty-Three - "I'm here."

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Romeo's pov:

After our food fight, everyone retired to their rooms to clean up. "Go shower in the guest room please baby." Mia belleza says.

I walk up behind her as she's facing the mirror, and wrap my arms around her waist, pushing my nose into her neck and leaving 3 soft kisses there. She took her clothes off as soon as we got to our room, so now she's in her underwear only. I lightly stroke the skin on her hip bone, peppering kisses all over her neck and shoulder making her giggle and squirm in my arms "Whatever makes you feel most comfortable baby." With a final kiss I remove my arms from around her and make my way to the guest bedroom's shower and begin to wash off all of the grim stuff on me.

I brought this house as an gift for Amélie, so this could be one of our vacation homes, but I haven't told her yet.

This house has 12 bedrooms, 14 bathrooms (all of the bedrooms are en-suites), a pool, a beautiful, tropical backyard and many more things.

I've been thinking a lot lately, about Amélie and I. I just can't believe that just days ago we hated each other and now, I just can't seem to let go of her. Everything about her is just so addictive, as addictive as a drug. Except this drug is a healthy drug, one that I need to live. A life without Amélie is something that I don't wish to ever experience.

Now that I think about, the way that I describe my feelings about Amélie, sound like the ways you'd describe your lover. Now lets make one thing clear. Do I care about Amélie? Yes, more than I care to admit. Do I like Amélie? Yes, yes I do. But do those feelings equal to love? In all honesty, I'm not too sure.

You see the thing is, what if I let myself fall and she doesn't catch me? What if I admit to feeling something stronger than a likeness towards her and she tells me she doesn't feel the same? How am I meant to save myself from the embarrassment?

Amélie has already made her way into my heart, so that every second of every day, I'm constantly thinking about her and her needs. It's almost as if my feelings for her have consumed me but I don't mind that at all because she brings me a great deal of happiness that I have not felt nor have I experienced it since the day that my mother died. That's something that I admire about her. She fills my heart with so much joy that i simply cannot comprehend how she does it.

Maybe this feeling is love.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door making me realise that I've been in the shower for much longer than I intended. I quickly get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist, opening the door. When I open the door I see Matteo and Liyana at the door, staring at each other with lustful eyes. What the hell. Is there something going on between them? I'll ask Amélie about it when I see her.

"Hey guys?" I say awkwardly, feeling like I've interrupted a moment.

This seems to snap Matteo out of their trance enough for him to tell me "We ordered breakfast, come downstairs when you're ready." With that being said, he takes Liyana's wrist in his hand and takes him with her to God knows where.

I'm so fucking confused right now.

I walk back into Amélie and I's room and see her wrapped up in her towel in our walk-in-closet, picking out an outfit. Walking up to her and wrapping my arms around her waist I whisper "Hi mia belleza, I missed you so much."

This gives her goosebumps and causes her to turn around in my arms, lifting her arms and wrapping them around my shoulders and press a long, loving kiss on my lips, giving me a taste of her delicious, plump lips. We both moan at the contact and our mixed noises turns me on.

We pull away before the kiss can get anymore heated and just as I'm about to go in for another kiss Amélie puts a finger on my lips as if to stop me from kissing her "Matteo and Liyana came to tell me that they ordered breakfast so we don't have any time for this funny business." She says, with her finger still on my lip. So I take the opportunity to take a hold of her hand and move her finger so I can press 3 kisses to it.

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