Seventeen - The act of forgiveness.

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Amélie's pov:

As I walk downstairs, I hear loud chatter and many foots steps hustling around. I walk towards the sounds which leads me to the makeup and styling room.

When I walk into the room, my jaw drops. There's 2 makeup artists, 3 hair stylists, 5 dress stylists and many more people setting up. There are about 100 dresses in here on racks for me to choose from. Everyone at my beck and call. So I do what I need to do and, finally, after five hours , a beautiful dress finally picked, I'm situated in the makeup chair with 5 people working on my hair and makeup.

Just as they're finishing up, I hear Ami speak up "Amélie?" I hum, moving my eyes over to Amara. I see her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Hey, what's wrong Ami?" I slowly get up, quickly apologising to the stylists who are just adding their finishing touches, and walk over to Amara.

She shakes her head left to right, "it's just- I'm sorry you had to get married this way, but I promise he's not as bad as he seems. And for what it's worth, I'm glad that you'll be my sister-in-law." She says with a watery chuckle.

I make my way towards her and give her a bone-crushing hug to which she reciprocates. We stay like that for a while and then untangle ourselves from one another and I leave an endearing kiss on Amara's forehead and give her a smile to which she mirrors. Amara is like the younger sister I never had, she's the sweetest, most energetic and happiest girl I've ever met. She and I instantly clicked, she's just got the greatest aura around her. We're interrupted by a knock on the door, and both of our heads snap to the door, where: Christos, Matteo and Liyana stand side by side.

Liyana's been very emotional today, and I can't blame her. I mean, we've been by each other's side through thick and thin, we have an unbreakable bond, and she's one of the people that I trust the most. We've grown up together, and this huge milestone - me getting married - is bound to make us both emotional, whether or not this marriage was derived from a contract or not.

"Liyana, don't start now." I say with a wobbly voice trying to hold back the tears "first it was Amara and now you. Are you guys trying to kill me?" I say over dramatically.

"Je suppose que j'aurais juste souhaité que vous vous mariiez à quelqu'un que vous aimez. Tout cela. Mais peut-être que ce mariage ne sera pas aussi mauvais que la plupart des mariages arrangés. N'est-ce Pas [I guess I just wished that you'd get married to someone you love. That all. But maybe this marriage won't be as bad as most arranged marriages are. Right] ?" She says, with a hint of sadness lingering in her tone.

"Listen, he's not that bad, okay? And this is the only chance I get at having fun on my day, so I'm not going to let anything get to my head," I avert my gaze and find Christos and Matteo standing there, gobsmacked "and what on earth are you two doing here. Don't tell me you guys left Rome alone."

They both glance at each other guiltily, "Well..."

"Well..." I mock "well nothing. Go! That's so mean, he's alone right now, go upstairs and apologise, he's your best friend." I demand.

They both nod their heads and step forward, I notice Christos hiding something behind his back, but chose to ignore it "we love you hermana [sister], and we just don't like to see you upset, even if our best friend is the one who upset you. But we'll go and make our amends." Matteo says whilst kissing my forehead in a brotherly way "you look beautiful by the way." He compliments with glassy eyes.

"Don't go all sappy on us now Matty." Christos says sarcastically.

"Don't call me matty, I'll slit your throat quicker than you can say 'κώλος [asshole]'." Matteo threatens.

Christos just lets out a chuckle and makes his way towards me "I'll kill him if he ever hurts my μικρή αδερφή [little sister] again. But I'll go and see him, I can't lie and say I haven't missed him." He comes and also gives me a brotherly forehead kiss, before pulling something out from behind his back.

I new he was holding something behind his back!

"This was left at the door for you, by the way." Christos says, smirking.

I thank him and take the colossal bouquet of roses from him. They leave and it's just me and the girls now.

"Check the card!" Both Amara and Liyana squeal.

I reach my hand into the bouquet and find a card with a had written note. The neat handwriting states:

'I know we didn't exactly have a choice, but I'm slowly coming to realise that maybe this was fate. I'll always be your Angelo and you'll always be mia belleza [my beauty].

- yours, Rome.
P.S.: Tell the girls to check their phones for their flights.'

I look up at the girls who are excitedly pulling out their phones to check what's going on. When I see their faces turn into shocked ones simultaneously, I ask "what? What is it, tell me!" Impatiently.

"He booked flights for us to go to The Bahamas with you!" They say, filled with joy.

"He did?" I whisper, looking at myself with a small smile on my face.

Does this mean that maybe we don't hate each other as much as we thought we did?

Romeo's pov:

As my tailor is finalising the finishing touches of my tux, there's a knock on the door. I look at the door through the mirror in front of me and see my best friends. I give them a tight lipped smile and avert my gaze back to the tailor "here to beat me up again?" I say jokingly.

They chuckle "only if you hurt my sister again." Christos says.

"On a serious note though, we're um- we're, well-." Matteo stumbles as Christos cuts him off.

"We're sorry Romeo, we were just disappointed in you, that's all. I mean Amélie has a sweet soul for an assassin and yeah, she's got tough skin but you have to be considerate and drop this asshole façade, because I can tell that she doesn't trust people with her feelings, which is fine but you've got to step up and be her person. Her comfort. Her rock. Her constant. You can't fluctuate your moods anymore and pick and choose when you'll care and when you won't." He says thoughtfully, before adding "okay Rome?" tauntingly, as if to lighten the mood.

I slowly turn around as the tailor finishes, and put on an fake impassive look. "So, what? I don't even get a hug with the apology?" I say as a smile breaks through my features.

They quickly make their way towards me, both giving me a bone-crushing group hug.

"We love you brother, just prove to her that you're not an asshole." Matteo says.

"The flowers were a good start. Rome." Christos mocks.

I slap the back of his head "no one's allowed to call me that." I say sternly.

"Ouch! And that's not fair! Mél gets to call you that!" Christos says childishly.

"Who am I to tell my girl that she can't give me a nickname?" I tell them, "plus, it's only sounds nice when she says it." I mumble trying to hold back the blush creeping up my neck.

"Awww! Is Rome blushing! How cute!" They make fun of me, pinching my cheeks.

"Shut the fuck up guys! I'm serious, leave me alone!" I say chuckling.

We're interrupted by one of my men telling me that I need to go downstairs because Amélie is ready to start walking down the aisle.

The boys and I make our way downstairs and into the garden (since Liyana told me that Amélie doesn't like fancy venues), which is all decorated and the guests are all waiting.

I stand at the end of the aisle, waiting for mia belleza to arrive. When all of a sudden, the piano begins to play as the doors are opened.

This is it. We're getting married. For better or for worse right? Through thick and thin. I'm prepared to have Amélie by my side just as I will be for her. What could go wrong?

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