Twenty-two - "Welcome to our 'friend-moon'".

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Amélie's pov:

I feel strong, muscly arms being wrapped around me, carrying me bridal style since I'm half-asleep. I sleepily raise my arms and wrap them around the persons shoulders. "Go back to sleep mia belleza, I've got you baby." The familiar voice of my husband says. He leaves 3 kisses on my temple and it instantly makes me melt into his arms. Those 3 kisses give me tingles all over my body.

I snuggle deeper into Romeo's chest and leave 3 kisses on his heart as I place my head there too, listening to his heartbeat. It started beating kind of fast after I kissed his chest, I wonder why? With that thought in mind, I let the darkness consume me as jet lag catches up to me.

When I am next awoken, I feel a comforting warmth blanketing me and wriggle closer to it. When his scent tickles my nose, I hum in delight and reach out to wrap my arms around him but when I try to move my arms, it seems like I'm unable too, I tell myself not to panic and assure myself that Romeo wouldn't let anything bad happen to me. So, I peel my eyes open and quickly understand why I can't move my arms. I look down and see Romeo laying on top of me with his arms wrapped around me and his face resting on my boobs. I look over to the nightstand of this unfamiliar room and see that it says it's 3:33 am. How long have we slept for? Scrap that. How long have I not peed for? I feel like I'm about to explode.

"Rome, wake up baby, I need to pee." I whisper into his hair. He just groans and pushes his face further into my boobs leaving 3 kisses on each one.

"Please Angelo, I really need to pee." I beg, I'm genuinely 2 seconds away from pissing my pants.

He begrudgingly rolls off of me and I shoot out of bed, but before I can run to try and find a bathroom, Romeo takes a hold of my hand and kisses the back of it 3 times before sadly saying "Be back soon, I don't want to be without you for long." I smile at his cuteness that he doesn't let anyone else see and nod, kissing his temple 3 times. Just as I'm about to ask him where the bathroom is he says "the nearest bathroom is next to the mirrored walk-in-closet." I smile at him gratefully and shuffle towards it.

When I'm finished doing what I need to do, including brush my teeth and do my skincare routine (considering all of my products were already there which is strange because I was knocked out and couldn't do it for myself), I exit the bathroom and see Romeo walk back into the room too. "Good morning mia belleza, I just brushed my teeth and all but I didn't wash my face yet. I was- I was wondering- well, would you want to doyourskincareroutineonmelikeyoudidontheplane?" He mumbles incoherently.

"Romeo, what on earth are you saying?" I say, both confused and amused.

He sighs as says "Do you want to do your skincare routine on me, like you did on the plane?"

I jump up and down in excitement and run towards him, jumping into my arms and wrapping both my arms and legs around him. "You want to?" I say, rearing my head back to look into his eyes.

We stare at each other for sometime until we both break out of our trance and Romeo nods, walking to the bathroom with me in his arms. I tighten my hold on him because I don't want to drop and he does the same, leaving 3 kisses on the corner of my mouth. I smile at him which makes him mirror my actions and smile back, melting my heart at the sight of his beautiful smile.

When we get to the bathroom, he sets me down on the counter and opens the drawer full of my skincare stuff. How does he know where my skincare stuff is. Did he- "Were you the one who stocked up my skincare drawer?" I ask him, shocked.

He looks at me and smirks, leaning his hip against the counter "Don't look so shocked baby, I can be a sweet man when I want to."

"Only to me though. You're not allowed to be sweet to anyone other than me, right?" I ask.

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