Thirty-five - Amara.

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A.N.: HI GUYS!! I'm a shitty writer, I know. I haven't been updating at all and I'm sorry. BUT I HAVE A GOOD REASON, I PROMISE. So basically, I was on holiday last week and I wanted to update so I was editing the chapter and thought it would be too long, sooo, I copied the last half of the chapter and told myself I'd paste it later on a new chapter. BUT GUESS WHAT! I ended up copying something else and this chapter was deleted. I was veryyyy pissed off, so I just posted the other chapter and had no motivation to rewrite this one because the other one was so good and I felt like this one would be shit if I rewrote it. But anyways, school has started again and I'm not sure if I'll be updating as much, but I definitely will be. So stay tuuunnneeddd <333.
Hope u enjoy the chapter!

TW: Mentions of SA.

Amélie's pov:

As we lay there, I hear Vincent's words echo in my head, deafening my conscience. 'My daughter too. I only do it to girls I fuck.'

I jolt up in the bed, and franticly ask Romeo "Where's Amara? Where is she? Tell me. Now, Romeo."

He looks at me confusedly and asks "Baby, are you-," he stops himself from finishing his sentence when I give him a stern look, and he groans, sliding his hands down his face "in her room, I think." He says begrudgingly.

I jump out of his bed and run out of the door, making my way to Amara's room. When I enter, I see her sitting on her bed talking to Christos - who's standing by the doorway. I push past Christos and run towards Amara capturing her in a bone crushing hug as a few stray tears fall from my eyes and onto her shoulder.

Amara quickly wraps her arms around me and she must give Christos a sign to leave as he cheekily says "Goodbye ladies." And leaves us alone.

I hug Amara even tighter as she rubs my back, trying to calm me down.

"Hey, Amélie? Are you okay? What's wrong?" She asks me softly and worriedly.

I let out a pained sob "I should be the one asking you that." I tell her.

She pulls back from our hug, her arms still wrapping me up in a hug, looking at me confusedly. "Vincent told me about.. um- when you were younger?" I say, in more of a weary tone, attempting to tread lightly, because everyone deals with trauma differently, and I wouldn't want to harm her mentally or emotionally.

A look of understanding crosses her face as she drops her arms in defeat and busies herself with a loose thread hanging off of her hoodie's sleeve.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't feel comfortable. I understand. But, Amara darling?" She looks up at me through her eyelashes "You'll never be alone again. I'm always here for you - under any circumstances. Okay?" I tell her reassuringly.

She nods and we sit in silence for a while, before she takes a fortifying breath and begins to speak. "The funny thing is, that I don't even remember it. The doctors were, legally, meant to inform on what happened, so I know that he you know," a shiver runs through her body as she tells me "but I don't recall a single thing." She must see my furrowed brows and understand my confusion, because she continues "The doctors and psychologists say that because I was only 5, my brain blocked out that sort of heavy trauma entering my memory. They say that in the future, I may see something that will trigger the memory of that night to come back, but it's very unlikely that I will. Until then, I'm meant to live my life and pretend that I wasn't told that my father had sexually assaulted me." She says nonchalantly, but a stray tear escapes her eye and I rub it away with my thumb, leaving a sisterly peck on her forehead, bringing her into a hug and resting my chin on her head.

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