Thirteen - Fuck you Mr. Basilio

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Amélie's pov:

"Oh, it's just you two." Little Miss wedding planner says in her high-pitched snobby voice with a look of achievement painted across her face.

"BITCH GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I DRAG YOU OUT!" Amara shouts in her face on behalf of me.

All of a sudden, I hear 6 pairs of footsteps rushing towards this hallway - alerted by the sudden shouting. Next thing I know, Valentina, the twins, Christos and Matteo (those two are always here for some reason - I can't lie; pure entertainment when those two are around, they're like the brothers I never had) and - unsurprisingly - Liyana (She's been hanging out here a lot recently - and I can't say that I don't love it) appear from around the corner.

They all look between Romeo, his fuck-buddy and I. I watch as each of their faces drop and begin to mirror Amara's look of disgust and anger. Let me tell you, they were all. Fucking. Pissed.

Glad to see someone cares.

All of a sudden, Tilly - who is smirking at the damage she's caused - is dragged and thrown out of the house by all of the girls, whilst Romeo is sent a hefty right hook to the face from Christos- which is pretty rare because he's barely ever pissed and serious like this. Then Matteo decides to join and- Oh shit, someone needs to stop this they're about to-

Both the boys begin to beat the shit out of Romeo and I can't lie I feel kind of bad. But I hate him. Possibly even more than I did before. Fuck him and his stupid dick for not being able to stay in his pants.

Suddenly, the tables are turned and Romeo begins to fight back, they all eventually end up pulling out their guns and pointing it at one another. Each in a state worse than the other.

"¿Cómo te atreves a engañar a mi hermana? [How dare you fucking cheat on my sister?]" Matteo says, exploding with anger.

"Non l'ho ancora tradita, non siamo nemmeno sposati. Inoltre, non abbiamo mai concordato di essere fedeli l'uno all'altro durante il nostro matrimonio, quindi non avete voce in capitolo in questa merda. [I didn't fucking cheat on her yet, we aren't even married. Also, we never agreed on being faithful to one another during our marriage, therefore you have no say in this shit.]" Romeo heaved out. The fuck is he heaving for, what is he, a farm animal? Like get a grip. And, just for his information, I did want to stay faithful to each other during our marriage, but it looks like we're in very different head spaces.

"Lo dirò nella tua lingua madre in modo che tu te lo faccia passare per la testa. Avvicinati di nuovo a mia sorella e ti taglierò la gola. Non me ne frega un cazzo di chi pensi di essere per me, ma se le fai del male, hai finito. [I'll say it in your mother tongue so that you get it through your head. Go near my sister again and I will slit your throat. I don't give a shit who you think you are to me, but if you hurt her, you're done for.]" Christos says through gritted teeth, trying to reign in his anger.

Aww. These guys would actually fight for me as if they're my brothers. My heart.

"Guys.." their heads all snap to me, Matteo and Christos' harsh gaze soften as they look at me "it's okay, you guys should go clean up." I scrunch my nose at them pretending to be disgusted by the blood oozing out of their cuts.

"You sure, petite sœur [little sister]? Because I don't think I'm satisfied with the outcome of what the asshole looks like yet." Christos questions cheekily yet a hint of anger lacing his tone, Matteo's head nodding in agreement.

I give them both a tight-lipped smile and beckon them out, leaving him and I on our own. Wow. This is so much more awkward than I thought it'd be. He probably wants me to leave too. Oh well, I just want to rub salt in the wound and make this all the more awkward. So I stand there, avoiding eye contact with him as much as I can. I kinda want I to cry, but he's seen me embarrass myself and cry enough times.

I sigh heavily at how easy it was for me to give in to helping him "where is the first-aid kit?" I say in a ruthlessly cold tone.

He seems shocked by both my tone and willingness to break the silence. He doesn't verbalise where the kit is but only nods his head towards the random bathroom connected to his office.

I sluggishly make my way towards the bathroom, making sure that he knows I'm not in any particular rush to help him out, considering I am pissed off at him, and rummage through the cabinets.

Eventually, when I find the kit, I tell Romeo to haul his ass over here and order him to sit down on the closed toilet seat. As he does so, I begin getting everything ready to give him a couple stitches and clean of the rest of his wounds.

Whilst I was doing that, Romeo made himself comfortable on the seat by adjusting his body so that his legs were manspreading.

To fix up his wounds, I have to be really close to him for it. So I take a step forward and I'm now standing in between his legs to stitch his eyebrow and cheek. He doesn't seem to be in any pain but he took a hold of my thigh after I inserted the first stitch and began to squeeze every so often. I'd also feel his large thumb rubbing back and forth on my thigh, giving me butterflies not only in my stomach but in my pussy too. A light blush creeped up on my face from just thinking about how my pussy reacts to the simple things that he does. But I'm mad at him, so my pussy, needs to chill.

As I finished patching him up, I pushed myself away from him in hopes of feeling less flustered, but when he reaches his hand out and wraps it around my waist, my whole face burns up. What the fuck are you doing Amélie. Now is not the time to be flustered. Remember, you hate him and you're only here to get revenge for your maman.

He pulls me down so I'm situated on his thigh, my back facing him. I put one leg over the other and cross my arms. His left arm is wrapped around my waist, stroking the skin that is exposed, and his left hand is resting on my thigh, slightly squeezing and stroking it, trying to act indifferently I mask my face with a bored look, when in reality my stomach is bursting with butterflies - it's practically a zoo in there.

He me in the eyes when he says "Are you pissed at me? Because I'm not going to apologise."

I rear my head backwards a bit as his bluntness. "So then what the fuck am I still doing here if you won't apologise."

He grabs my thighs in both of his hands and moves me into a straddling position on his lap. My core coming in contact with his growing erection.

"Forgive me." He says monotonously, as he holds my face in his hands, his thumbs moving back and forth, bringing my face closer to him.

With my heart banging against my chest, I move my head forward towards his.

With our lips a whisper away from one another I spit out, "Fuck you, Mr. Basilio." His face drops out of his reserved façade as his mouth hangs open in shock.

With that being said, I remove myself from his lap, and look at him with disgust, noticing the large imprint of his bulge in his black slacks, and turn to leave. On my way out I shout out "oh and fuck you again by the way! You don't deserve me."

I slam the door shut behind me and make my way back to my room, also slamming the door. I throw myself onto my bed and think about todays events. I feel dismissed and unwanted. I guess I was fucking stupid to hope that he'd be loyal to me or car about my feelings during our arrangement.

I guess my father was right when he called me a pathetic useless whore. Wasn't he?

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