Two - Father figure

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Romeo's pov:

I throw the papers onto my desk with a loud thud, trying to reign in my anger as I process what's just happened.

The French Mafia have stolen and raided yet another one of my biggest shipments.

"Cazzo [Dick]." I muttered before taking a sip of my scotch.

It's only 7am, but anything to do with the French Mafia gives me a huge amount of stress - hence drinking in the early morning.

The thing is, this rivalry between the Italian and the French has been going on for decades, however, this hatred spiked when my dickhead father, decided to raid one of their fancy balls with 500 of his men, 4 years ago, and kill Marie Beaumont - The French leaders (Francois Beaumont) wife.

Ever since then, whatever civil agreements we had as well as the ties we had tried to build, were severed.

This lead to the whole of the Italian mafia turning on my father and forcing him out of the leading capo role. This, unfortunately, meant that I then had to step up and become the most feared and cruelest capo. I didn't want this life, nor did I want the horrors of the mafia haunting me.

Do I blame the French for stealing from me and making my life harder? No.

I know, firsthand, how much of a ruthless bitch my father is. I mean take it from me, he murdered my mother right in front of my eyes.

However, are they currently really pissing me the fuck off? Yes.

I swear, when I see Beaumont, I'm going to tear him limb from li-

My sadistic thoughts are cut of by a a soft knock on the door.

"Entra [Come]." I commanded with my loud, powerful 'capo voice', as my sisters call it.

The door opens and reveals three of my sisters standing there with excitement written all over their faces.

"Aren't we missing one? Where's the other twin." I said with a cold, harsh voice, messing about and trying to scare them.

"Boy, who do you think you are talking to your dear, beloved sisters in your 'capo voice'? Omg, someone tell him he loves us so he can defrost his scary little 'capo' act." Valentina, the eldest one out of the four girls - 4 years younger than me-, says in a mockingly joking tone.

That, makes me crack a huge smile and let out a hearty chuckle. " Ciao mie care sorelle [hi my dear sisters]. What are you here to bribe me into doing today?"

As Lucia - the younger twin, 6 years younger than me -finally arrives, I notice that she's holding something behind her back.

"Hey, Romeo, whatchya doing?" Luna - the older twin by three minutes, also 6 years younger than me - says suspiciously.

"Nothing much. Just busine-" I was cutoff but Amara - the youngest child, 7 years younger than me.

"Anyways, sooo, guess what Fratello [brother]" Amara began.

"Don't cut me off again Ami." I replied with a stern tone.

"Scusa fratello [sorry brother]. Anyways, guess what we got in the mail todayyyy!" Amara says cheerfully.

"Cos'è [what is it]?" I asked with a suspicious tone.

"We just got invited to the yearly French Mafia ball."

"COSA [WHAT]?! Come osa [how dare he]!" I shouted.

The girls swiftly shuffled out of my office as they knew I was pissed.

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