Fifteen - The night before.

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Romeo's pov:

It's the night before the wedding and I know I've fucked up, but I don't care. I'm meant to hate her, I don't need to care about her feelings because I. Hate. Her. And she hates me too. But I just can't help the small amount of guilt I'm feeling from the shit I've done to her. Fucking the wedding planner being one of them.

I mean, first of all, I didn't even know that the bitch was the wedding planner, I thought she was one of the whores I paid to come here so I can release some angry energy. Second of all, I didn't even cum, I couldn't even come close to cumming because she kept making over exaggerated noises, and my mind kept wandering back to a certain blonde-headed blue eyed assassin. Third of all, just as I was about to throw the bitch out, she opened the door and there she was, along with Amara. Ami looked pissed off, but the look on Amélie's face brought upon a twinge of disappointment within me. But moral of the story, I didn't mean to fuck the wedding planner, but I did. And I'm glad, because Amélie and I were getting a bit to close and friendly for two people who are meant to absolutely hate each other.

Anyways, tomorrow is the wedding and apparently, after having to coerce Amara to tell me - because everyone's still giving me the cold shoulder, Amélie has left the planning up to Liyana - her cousin - because she wants nothing to do with it. I mean fair enough.

I've noticed that ever since 3 days ago, when I went to pick Amélie up from the French mafia's base, I've noticed that she's been spending a lot more time there too. She even slept there last night. Which is strange because she hasn't stayed there ever since we signed the contract. Hm. I wonder what she's up to, with her mafia.

I'm currently in my office, looking over some potential missions and I come across the Russian mission. I came up with a plan after what happened to Amélie in the mall with that filthy Russian. I had one of my men hack into the Russian mafia's second-in-command's Calendar, and found out that he's going to be going to a strip club so I thought that, that could be a mission for Amélie and I. But I'll go over that with her another time.

For now, I'm going to get myself a drink to try and calm the anger down that I always get when dealing with the Russians. Especially recently, since Amélie almost got raped at the mall, by some random Russian asshole from their mafia. I mean, I know I'm a ruthless, arrogant fuck, but I would never and I mean never force myself onto a woman. That's something I'm very adamant about when lecturing my men too, I don't tolerate that bullshit. Considering the things that my father would do to my mother, I'd never wish that upon anyone.

Actually, fuck having a drink, I'll go to the basement instead, considering the demented motherfucker is still tied up there since he won't spill any information.

Making my way downstairs, I stop at the bottom of the stairs, overlooking the living room, it seems like Amara, Matteo, Christos, Liyana and Amélie are all watching a movie together. I can't lie, I've been kind of lonely these last couple of days since no one is talking to me, but I dug my own grave and now I must lay in it. Ridding my head of those thoughts, I continue walking past them and finally make my way to the torturing chambers at the end of my basement.

When I get there, the guards all bow their heads at me and someone opens the door for me. I walk in, finding Amélie's sexual assaulter - who's name I found out to be Leonid - chained to a chair with his head hanging downwards, as if he's unconscious. I call my for my men and order them to get me a bucket of ice cold water. Once my men got that for me, I told them to go ahead and dump the whole thing on him. As soon as the water made contact with his body, Leonid jolts awake and his eyes widen once they see me. He knows that it's time for his daily torturing. But what he doesn't know is that, this will be the last and worst time I torture him, regardless of whether or not he gives me insider information about the Russian's, so far I've been light with my torturing, only things like: stabbing him a couple times, ripping his nails out and feeding them to him. Simple things really.

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