Nineteen - The hospital

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Romeo's pov:

Two gunshots. Two gunshots is all it took to make my heart stop in pure worry.

When Amélie and I walked to the end of the aisle, who do we see? Francois Beaumont A.K.A: Bitch boy Beaumont, with a gun in his hand ready to shoot me. Luckily, Marc, Amélie's second-in-command had seen that her father had come in and shot Francois in the arm making him drop his weapon - so that's one gunshot. The second gunshot was some kid named Pierre apparently, who's new and had been asking way to many questions for a newbie, he was aiming to shoot me but then Amélie done something I'll keep in my heart for forever. She jumped in front of me, taking a bullet to the side of her torso.

When I tell you, my heart dropped. I think I genuinely died and revived just to help her. She took a fucking bullet for me and on top of that, yesterday, she handled my PTSD episode like a natural, like she cared about me. I owe her so much, I cannot even fathom how she hasn't made me get on my knees and beg her for mercy.

Which leads us to now. Amélie and I, sitting in a hospital room after I just threatened the nurse to send the discharge forms to the room, just because Amélie asked me to with her doe eyes in tow.

The nurse that just cleaned Amélie's side up walks in with the discharge papers, and unhappy look on her face "Here are your papers. I wouldn't recommend anything other than bed rest and painkillers for the next 2-3 days since it was only a scrape." I let out a dissatisfied grunt because of her brief overview.

"Okay, thank you." Amélie says politely, giving the nurse a small smile.

I quickly sign the papers and leave them on the bed and walk up to Amélie, holding her precious face in my hands "Are you okay baby? Tell me how you feel so I can help." I say to her leaving 3 soft kisses to her temple.

"I'm okay Rome, don't worry about me." She says, relaxing her head in the palm of my hand, whilst my thumb rubs her cheekbone back and forth.

"Don't lie to me mia belleza. If you're in pain, you'll tell me. Right?" I ask, to which she nods. "Don't you dare think about doing something like that again. I don't care what happens to me, but don't you dare step in front of a gun for me. I don't deserve you and I definitely don't deserve your kindness." I tell her sternly.

I drop my hands from her face and curl my arms under her knees and around her back, carrying my wife, bridal style, careful not to hurt her lightly wounded area.

She cuddles up to me, putting her face in the crook of my neck and wrapping her arms around my neck. She leaves 3 perfect kisses on my neck, making my insides feel fuzzy. Am I ill? That's an unusual feeling.

Just as we get outside, the boys, Liyana and Amara are all waiting outside by my car. As soon as they see us, they rush towards us and bombard Amélie with questions and hugs. As soon as I hear a quiet wince from mia belleza I raise my voice and say through gritted teeth "You guys better back the fuck away from my wife before I kill you guys."

They all instantly back away, and Amélie softly says "it's okay Rome, I'm okay guys, don't worry, he's just being dramatic."

I walk up to the SUV and gently place mia belleza in the passenger seat and do her seatbelt for her, leaving 3 tender kisses in her hair whilst everyone else filed into the SUV.

Then, I make my way to the drivers seat. "So, I think now would be a good time to tell you guys that we're all going to The Bahamas, Christos and Matteo included. I've got my men to pack everyone's bags already."

Everyone bursts out into chatter in the back of the SUV whilst I'm driving, but Amélie stays quiet. I look over to her and find her staring out of the window. I choose to ignore it for now and ask her if she's okay later.

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