Six - The contract (Part 2)

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Romeo's pov:

Although I had a weird feeling about the excitement written all over his face, I nodded my head and followed him to his office along with 4 of my security guards.

When we entered his office, I told my guards to stay put outside.

Bitch-boy Beaumont and I took our seats on opposite sides of his table and stared at one another, each trying to anticipate what will happen next.

All of a sudden, a thick stack of papers were thrown onto the desk in front of me, not fazing me at all, I lift my eyes to meet bitch-boy Beaumont's and he nods his head toward the papers.

"Read it. Trust me, you'll want to know what's going on before La grosse pute [the fat whore] gets up here." He declared.

I found it quite strange that he'd call his daughter a fat whore but I swiftly brush it off.

How did I know that he called her a fat whore? Well, I think it's important to highlight that I know 6 languages: English, Italian, French, Greek, Spanish and Russian. Most mafia children do, it's one of our trustiest weapons.

I nodded, looking at the papers and began reading through them. Just as I began reading over the rules of the contract, I heard the office door open. I turn to see la belleza [the beauty] walk in here, with a look of annoyance and confusion.

"Here she is! Asseyez-vous [take a seat]." Her father says sarcastically.

She still hasn't realised that I'm here so when she answers back to her father, I bite back a smile and keep my 'capo face' on.

"Père, ne penses-tu pas qu'il se fait tard ? Vos invités vous attendent en bas. [ Father, don't you think it's getting late? Your guests are waiting for you downstairs.] What in God's name are you still doing up here?" La belleza {the beauty} says through the grit in her teeth.

"Combien de fois vous ai-je averti de ne pas avoir d'attitude lorsque vous me parlez ? Ne m'énerve pas devant notre invité. [How many times have I warned you not to have an attitude when talking to me? Don't piss me off in front of our guest.]" bitch-boy Beaumont bites out sternly.

Upon her father's words, la belleza's [the beauty] eyes shoot towards me before they widen for a fraction of a second and reform back into a nonchalant face.

"Now, I'm sure you're both wondering why you've been called here," bitch-boy Beaumont began.

La belleza and I shared a confused look before turning back to her father and listening intently.

"I'm sure you didn't get enough time to read through the full contract Romeo, so I'll deliver the news to you both. This contract was formed the day you were born, Amélie, in hopes of uniting our two mafias. It states that the two of you must marry if: Romeo wishes to keep his mafia and Amélie wishes to keep her life." Bitch-boy Beaumont finishes.

I leaned back in my chair and rested my arms on the sides of the chair. I look over at la belleza and as we made eye contact, I saw the disgust that lingered in her gaze which most likely mirrored mine. I mean she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, don't get me wrong, but I don't do relationships. I don't do love. I simply can't. And don't even get me started on marriage. Ugh. That's a whole different story. Why on earth would I chose to make myself vulnerable and have a weakness. As the leader of the greatest mafia in the world, I cannot. Afford. To Lose. End of.

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