Eleven - I'm fine

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(This is carrying on from last chapter)

Amélie's pov:

Just as he's about to unzip my trousers the door bursts open and the devilish man is thrown off of me, I watch as Romeo beats the guy to the brink of death.

"Romeo.. Rome." I say weakly.

He stops his actions mid-air and turns his head towards me. His hard eyes softening once they see me.

Romeo's pov:

Dio [God]. When the girls came back without mia belleza, I already knew something was wrong. But nothing could have prepared me for when Valentina told me that an unknown man used her to act as a trap to hurt Amélie, my heart sunk and I sprinted out of the house with Christos following behind me and we both got into one of my many cars.

What should have been a 20 minute drive to the mall, turned into an 8 minute drive since I sped as much as I could just to get here.

As soon as we made it, I ran out of the car and made it to the toilets upstairs.

When I heard her scream, I began to grow more worried and barge my way into the girls toilet. As soon as I get in there, I see a bastard laying on top of mia belleza - whose top half has no clothing on - and I grab him and throw him onto the floor.

At that point all I could see was red. How dare he! I swear I could kill him now. As I was punching him to a pulp, I hear her smooth, soft and scared voice call out for me.

My head snaps towards her and my resolves melt. I don't miss the fact that she's covering herself up with her arm, nor do I miss the pain and embarrassment lingering in her eyes. My heart squeezes in sympathy for how scared she must feel. You asshole. Beating a piece of shit in front of her will make her scared of you too. Shit.

Cautiously, I take a step towards her, picking up her top and bra and reach my hand out to her in hopes of her accepting my help and understanding that I won't hurt her.

She takes her clothes from me, still analysing the emotions displayed on my face.

"I'll turn around, so you can get changed, don't worry." I tell her softly. "Or I can leave if you want, I don't mind. Whatever will make you feel more comfortable." I quickly add on.

She averts her gaze to the floor "please can you turn around?" She said shyly, now holding her clothes close to her body, covering herself.

"Of course I can baby." I swiftly turn around and hear her get changed.

Soon after, she lightly taps my arm beckoning me to turn around. So I do, and when I make eye contact with her, I feel like shit, I should have made it here sooner. Hell, I should've gone with them. There was no need for me to stay at home. How will I ever be a good enough husband if I can't even take care of her now, before we're married.

Her bloodshot eyes haunt me and her tear stained cheeks pain my heart.

"Is it okay if you just wait for one second with me? I just need to fix my eyes and my hair." She asks worriedly. As if I could deny her of anything after failing to keep her safe.

"Yeah, go ahead." I reply.

She nods her head and turns to face the mirror, hesitating for a second but soon moving closer to it. Whilst she's touching up, I realise that she's hovering away from the counter, as if she can't bear to touch it at all. Fuck, Fuck, FUCK! How could I fuck up that badly and not keep her protected.

When she finishes, looking as good as new, she turns around and plasters a fake smile on her face which hurts my heart because she doesn't have to stay strong 24/7. I give her a sympathetic smile and hers falters for a second.

"I'm fine you know. It's not too big of a deal because I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine." She says reassuringly, as if she's trying to convince, not only me, but herself too.

"Amélie, it's okay if you're-." She raised her palm to face me and cut me off.

"I don't want to talk about it okay Romeo? Please Rome, just act like today was a normal day and don't pity me. Forget you were ever even here, because I'm okay. Really." She says softly - the nickname causing my heart to stutter a bit - before adding "Oh! And please do me a favour, let's keep this to ourselves shall we?"

My eyebrows furrow. Like hell I'll be keeping this information to myself. I need to tell my men to take the vast down to the torturing chambers in my basement so I can torture him for a while before killing him. Also, the girls - including Liyana, who I now know to be her cousin/ best friend - will be so worried about her.

Just as I was about to answer Amélie, she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the toilets and took me to the main exit. My men, who were following my car here, saw me and took that as their cue to bring the cazzo's [dick's] body back to my basement.

I stopped abruptly, making Amélie stop too, and look back at me.

I took my wrist out of her grip and instead, took her hand in mine and laced our fingers. I brought our locked hands up to my lips and left 3 feather-light kisses on her hand. This made her smile a small smile and allowed a light blush to coat her cheeks.

I then lead her to the car where Christos was waiting for us and open the passenger side door for her.

"Ughhhhh. If I'm sitting in the back, I get AUX, just saying." Christos says dramatically.

"Fine." Both Amélie and I say in unison.

When she's situated in her seat, I bend down and into the car, reaching over her to do her seatbelt for her. I can feel her eyes burning holes into the side of my face, trying to figure me out. When I'm done putting her seatbelt on, I lean back slightly so that we're face to face and we study each other for a second. Our staring contest is cut short when Christos clears his throat and tells me to 'hurry the fuck up'. I lean back and head to my side of the car, but not before leaving 3 kisses on Amélie's temple.

On the drive back home, Christos and Amélie piss me off with their loud, obnoxious singing to 'Sure thing by Miguel'. But I don't really mind, as long as there's a genuine smile in mia belleza's face, and she's enjoying herself, I'll let my ears bleed out any day.

We make it home and Amélie is bombarded with questions and showered with hugs. And the sad thing is, all she tells them is "Guys, relax. Nothing happened. Trust me, I'm fine."

But let's face it, when I'm awoken in the middle of the night to whimpers coming from Amélie's room, I'm going to have to guess that she's not all right, is she?

His BellezaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora