23)"Do you suppose we've got a rat?"

Start from the beginning

"I don't care, we're not handing you over to them. We'll come up with something." He says this while squeezing my thigh. I just sigh and contemplate. 

I knew he wouldn't like it, but it was just a suggestion. I'm pleased he disagreed because I wasn't planning on going. 

Ha, you thought 

I was not going back  

"My parents are in danger; we need to go to San Francisco," I remark as I return my gaze to them. "Yeah, we can go tomorrow when we've all rested up," Sandro adds, and everyone nods. 

"Okay. Are we going to look at what's in the jewelry?" I inquire when everyone will begin to move. 

Lorenzo and Alfonso freeze in their spots.  

What did they do, now? 

"Yeah, we looked," Lorenzo adds, scratching his neck. "What was in it?" Sandro inquires, and Alfonso grins uneasily. 

"We might have accidently wiped the stuff on the file while fighting," he explains as he hides behind Finn to avoid Sandro's fury. 

"You did what?" Sandro says, going to get his gun. 

"He stated they were fighting and wiped the items on the file," I say again, forcing Lorenzo and Alfonso to glance at me. 

"I'm going to shoot you both in the dick," he threatens, pointing his gun at them, causing them to scream and run around the room. "Wait. We can talk about it, Sandro "Lorenzo says, and Sandro goes to squeeze the trigger, causing me to intervene. 

"Perhaps don't shoot them at a place where people will call the cops," I say, and he glances at me. He nods, raising his gun and points at them, "Your lucky again." 

They exhale a sigh of relief and wipe their brows, "That was scary," Finn adds. I take a glance at him. 

"You weren't even going to get shot," I remark, and he nods. "But it was terrifying for them "He says this while pointing to the two people who were hugging. 

I shrug and walk over to them 

"Did you at least find out something before you Thanos everything?" I ask, making them frown. When Sandro gives them a look, I grin and they sigh. 

"Yes, we did, and it may not be good for you, Thalia," they say. That's when I glance at them, puzzled. 

Not good for me, how bad can it be? 

"What exactly do you mean?" I say. 

"The file contained a photograph of your mother with the Russian mafia leader, Konstantin. They looked very close" 



"You're lying," I respond, shaking my head. "Not only that, but there was a photo of a pregnancy ultrasound." They say. 

No. NO! They can’t be serious 

My mother. The Russian leader. Pregnancy. 

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