16) "Give me a bite, Sandro,"

Comenzar desde el principio

"With a fucking eel?" Sandro asks, perplexed. 

"Exactly with an eel. We'll be ready for the mission. Toodles "Alfonso exclaims as they go, and they wave. 

"How the fuck are they in the mafia? "He says as we both watch through the open hotel door as they toss the eel on someone, causing them to run and scream. 

"I was about to ask you that," I add as I get up to dispose of our trash. I was about to return to Sandro when I received a text. 

Mater (Mother) 

Mater: Thalia, sweetie we haven’t heard from you in a while. We thought you were dead. Are you okay? Is someone after you? I’ve seen the news about your business. How is Chris?

I was at a loss for words because I didn't want them to know about the mafia and everything. I can try to sugarcoat things without involving them, unless they are already involved. 

What does she mean by "is someone after me"? They must be aware of something. 

When I look over and see Sandro tapping on his phone, I respond. 

Me: No, Mom, I'm not dead. Unfortunately, I am still alive and well! How are you and father doing? Are you all, right? And because it's complicated, I'd rather not involve you and dad. Chris and I are no longer together, and please don't ask why because I'd rather not talk about that bitch. 

Me: Do you have any knowledge about a 'sinner' tattoo? 

Mater: Where have you heard that from? 

Mater: It’s nothing sweetie. Do you have time to have tea or get together? 

Was she truly attempting to silence me and dismiss what I had just said? She knows something but refuses to tell me. These bastards devastated my life, and it appears that my parents know who they are. 

Me: It doesn't matter where I heard it. Do you or father know anything about the tattoos? Please don't lie to me, especially if you know something. It is not the time to lie. 

Me: No, I don't have time to meet up for tea right now. 

Mater: Thalia It's for the best, so don't bother asking. Please let me know when you'll be available; I really miss you, munchkin. 

Mater: Hopefully, we'll be able to meet soon. I love you, deliciae. (Latin for Darling) 

This is irritating me. I moved slowly over to Sandro and answered her message. 

Me: No, it's for your benefit, not mine. I don't see the sense in continuing to lie; if you know something, simply tell me the truth. That's all I want, Mom.  

Me: I miss you as well. 

She irritates me, yet I still miss them and think we should meet up while we're in the States. To find out what they truly know.  

Obviously, I was a target. 

Mater: Okay, Fine. I'm sorry, but it can't be addressed over SMS since it's too risky. Let's get some coffee and I swear we'll try to explain ourselves. 

I see she's now coming to her senses. I raised my head to see Sandro staring at me. I look down and text her quickly. 

Me: Mom, I'll text you when we can meet up, but I must go now. 

I hear it ding and look at her message 

Mater: Okay, sweetie 

"Are you all, right?" Sandro says, tapping the seat beside him. "Mom just texted basically stating that she has some information but can't tell me over the phone because it's too unsafe," I groan as I sit next to him. 

"Are you going to meet up with her?" he asks. 

"Sure, but when will I be able to? We don't have enough time "I inform him. 

"Do you know where they are staying? We can go in two days." He inquires, and I shake my head, 'yes.' 

"Our home in San Francisco," I explain. 

"Looks like we're going to San Francisco," he grins. 

Author Note:


What we think about Thalia's mother?

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