Her special day part 2

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Stef's: POV
Mom called me a few minutes ago and said she was on her way back
I told Lena to let everyone know Francesca will be here in twenty minutes or so. I can't wait to see the look on Francesca's face when she's sees all of her friends, who came out for her special Day. Grace and Hope were in their swings, Lena's parents were here. Lena is walking around making sure all of our guests were enjoying themselves, l love seeing her in her element. l see Shannon talking to Margaret, my phone buzz in my pocket. I take it out and see the text message, it's from mom saying they five minutes away. Can I have everyone's attention for a moment please, that was my mother texting me. They'll be here in a few minutes
So find a place to hide and when she comes inside we're gonna yell surprise. Stef explains the guest
Lena gives me the look, we heard someone come through the front door
Lena and I hurried up and took the girls out of there swings and hid behind the couch. is anyone home
Sharon calls out, we all jumped out and yelled surprise. Francesca gleamed with excitement, she was shocked to see all her friends from the group home. Francesca rushed over and hugged everybody, wow you guys
Thank you you all for coming Francesca said to her guest. Mommy can we all go out in the yard and play
Francesca says to me, sure sweetie
Don't get anything on your new outfit
Lena States. Francesca and her friends went out back leaving the adults, inside the house. Lena Staring outside out the backyard watching Francesca play with her friends, this is what we wanted for our daughter
to have a real childhood, something's she's not had before. Since we know Margaret is her biological grandmother, hopefully one day we can tell her the truth when she's a little older. But for right now we plan to keep it to ourselves, l look down at the time on my watch. I think we should sing happy birthday because Shannon needs to get the kids back by
8:00 this evening, l go tell Lena to bring everyone inside. She goes to gather the children, while I went to get the candles. Mom's stops me and ask me what l was doing, mother we'll going to sing happy birthday to Francesca. Stef said, maybe you should let me eat you don't want to give them sugar first they're be jumping off the walls. Mom said
It's makes a lot sense, Lena returns
With the eight kids. I pulled Lena off to the side and explained the situation
She was in agreement about feeding the kids first, Grace and Hope were being held by their other grandparents. Lena was busy making plates, while I was getting the children settled in their seats. Francesca was sitting at the head of the table. once every one got their food, they begin to eat and chat

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