it's feels good to be home

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Lena's: POV
After Stef came and picked up from work we drove straight home.
We usually stopped off some place but not tonight l was exhausted, l wanted to take a nice bubble bath and cuddle up with my wife and watch a movie on TV. We pulled up to the house
Stef punched in the code for the gate to open up, once it opens up she drove on through. Living in a gated community, has it's perks at times
We don't have to worried about people coming on to the property
Now they have to be buzz in .We have a total of three houses, their all paid off in full. We just have to pay the taxes and utilities, Stef parks the car in the garage next to my infinity.
We got out and went through the basement to get in the house. I didn't feel like walking around the front of the house. Baby l'm gonna go upstairs to run you a nice bath, all the mail is on the table beside the couch. Stef said. Thanks babe for taking such good care of us Lena says to Stef
There's no need to thanked me
Your the mother of my unborn children, l forgot to ask you how was your doctor's appointment with Dr whitmore. Stef asks me, all my tests results came back good. She did another untrsound and she was able to revealed the gender of the twins
We're having fraternal twin girls
I got a chance to hear their heart beats. She gave me a CD where can see for yourself since you missed it
Lena States, l'm sorry l wasn't able to come. Stef replied, l know you had a meeting that couldn't be postponed
I go back to the doctors in six weeks
Lena Stated. I'll make sure to come to this one, did you get a chance to talk to Shannon about us spending time with Francesca some time next weekend Stef asks me. She said it was fine, the new child psychologist supposed to start soon once all her paperwork comes back. I get the strangest feeling Casey's hiding something, but I'm going to dwell on it. She did come back with the supplies Shannon asked her for
I don't wanna talk about work anymore, l just want to have a bath eat something and watch a movie together and do some grown up things. in our bedroom if you get my drift Lena winks at Stef and heads off to the dinning room and goes through the mail as she took a seat at the table
It wasn't nothing but a bunch of junk mail and sales papers, l got up from the table to grab a drink from the refrigerator. I took out a bottle of apple juice, and opened it up and drunk it all. I couldn't how thirsty l was, I took a peek in the pot to see what Stef whipped up for dinner
She made chicken Alfredo with broccoli in white sauce. I'll take my bath first before I have dinner, l go upstairs and see what Stef is up to
I take off my shoes and put my phone on the charger. I get out a pair of clean panties and a long tee shirt
I laid everything out on the bed
Lena begins to get undress and put on her robe, she throws her clothes in the hamper. Stef comes out the bathroom and sees Lena pulling her hair up into a bun, your bubble bath is all ready. I added in some pepper mint oil and Epsom salt, Stef said

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