Thank God it's Friday

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Stef's: POV
I'm so thankful it's Friday already
I just finished packing the rest of my clothes. for our trip back to the cabin again, the house is all straightened up
I've been to the bank and l have swung by the gas station and filled the car up with fuel. I'm waiting on my friend Matt to come over and pick up the house keys for when the decorators come tomorrow morning to design the nursery while Lena and I are at the cabin, l'm thinking about replacing all the old furniture at our log home. I want us to start off fresh
The woman who we bought the cabin from said we could do anything we wanted to the place, l wanna make it into something we both like. Who places a moose head above the fireplace. I have ordered us some brand new furniture for our other home, the owner said she would have some one come and get the old living room set and the moose, l just wanted
Us to decorate our new safe place
The way we wanted. Having another person's belongings in the cabin
Makes me feel a little unease, it's like that the previous owners has some type hold over us. Lena and I decided
It's for the best, l'm in our office
On the computer paying our bills
For the month. They weren't due till the end of December, we always like to be a head of schedule. Lena went to work for a few hours, this whole situation with Casey has Lena at odds
That's why I suggested for Lena to take a half day. My phone begins to buzzing, l look down at the caller lD
It's Matt telling me he's five minutes away. I responded back letting him know, l'll be waiting for him down at the gate. All our bags were packed and put in the trunk early this morning, l drove Lena into work
I'm supposed to go and get her around
1:00 this afternoon. I knew she didn't sleep well last night, cause she kept tossing and turning through the night

Lena's: POV
Shannon and I were in her office talking about the whole Casey situation. Lena why didn't you say anything at the meeting we had with Casey, because I didn't think it was relevant at the time Shannon Lena said. Where business partners here
Whatever affects you it affects our business, we can't afford to have this mishap with Casey run this group home into the ground, l'm not so sure she's learned her lesson. She didn't seem remorseful because she never apologized for what happened, that shit doesn't sit right with me Lena said, Lena calm down l know your emotions is all over the place Shannon says to me. What's that supposed to mean just because l'm pregnant doesn't mean l can't make rational decisions on my company
I built up with my hard earned money
Lena replies. I know how much this place means to you Lena nobody's trying to take it away from you, so how do you suggest we moved forward Shannon. We let Casey go at the end of January that's my final decision, Lena States. I know this hasn't been an easy on you to terminate someone who you consider family. We can't afford for this to happened again, where are we at
About getting the kids Christmas list filled, Shannon inquired. I deposited all the money from the donations l received into a private account everything should be done by the first week in December. We got toys R Us on board as a sponsor as well as Walmart, dell electronic services is donating fifth laptops and twenty lpads. Along with gift cards from Walmart Lena continues reading off her list, also I spoke with the president of Dell and he would ship
Everything out on the fifteenth of December. Are we doing the annual Christmas party for the staff this year and the secret Santa Shannon inquires, we can do that and I'll see if I can Stef's restaurant to cater our event Lena says to Shannon. Don't worry about Casey l will break the news to her gently, l suggest we find another replacement to fill the position. Yesterday I got a email on Annie's information, all her back round checks came back clear. I'll let Sasha know she can call her and give her the good news. So she can start first thing Monday morning at 9:00 am sharp, Shannon informed me
I'm leaving at 1:00 today and l won't be back in the office until Tuesday morning after my doctor's appointment Lena informs her business partner. Alright Lena don't need to come into work everyday
You know I can manage things without you here Shannon Stated
Trust me I know, l rather be working instead of being stuck in the house
I will be taking my maternity leave
in the seventh month of my pregnancy. Stef doesn't want me to work past my due date, she's been a real trooper these last few months
She's has to deal with my crying spells
The weird cravings and mood swings
Lena said. Shannon laughs, l'm glad my daughter is in college. I don't miss those days for nothing, Samaria and I
Love traveling. is the Thanksgiving dinner still in the works Shannon ask
Me, l'm way ahead of you. Stef purchased two twenty pound butter ball turkeys all we need now is a bunch of side dishes and desserts
As well drinks Lena replies.

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