Letters to Santa

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Francesca's: POV
Today in class our teacher Ms. Anderson. Gave us an assignment
On writing letters to Santa Claus
Since Christmas was coming up soon
All the boys and girls were excited,
Even though we were all in first grade
Ms. Anderson came around and passed out paper and pencils so we could begin writing our letters.
I begin to think about what I really wanted for Christmas this year,
It seems like each year I wrote the same thing and my wish wasn't never granted. I've been a good girl this year
Maybe this time things will be different, l'm in a new group home
The people here are a lot nicer than the other home l stayed in. Ms. Lena is the director over Seattle children's home, she's a really nice lady she always comes to check up me and smiles at me. I haven't seen her around the group home lately,
I heard someone say that she went out town with her wife. Whatever that means,

Dear Santa Claus,
I know your probably busy getting toys together for all the boys and girls this year. I've been really good girl
Santa l don't want any Toys this year
I wanna a mom someone who would tunk me in at night and read me bedtime stories, cuddle and baked Christmas cookies with me.
Also I want a new bike, roller skates
Dolls. Some nice warm clothes to wear, what Francesca doesn't know
Some one reads the letter that she wrote and was deeply touched by her words.

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