fun day at the Seattle country fair

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Lena's: POV
Once I arrived at the Seattle children's home. Everyone was getting on the Van to take the kids to the Seattle country fair, it totally slipped my mind luckily my friend.
Casey reminded me. I went into office
to get the tickets out of my desk drawer, hopefully I won't become sick again. There was a file on my desk
Casey must have left it for me to read
I put it in my bag, l'll figured l would look at it when I get home tonight little did l know a special little girl would enter in my life and change it for the better. I turned off the lights and Lock up my office, l headed out the front door and got on the second Van. Lena did you read the flie l left in your office, Casey asks me no Casey l'll have a look it when I get home Lena responds. Lena is everything ok between you and Stef you seem so distant these Casey questioned, things are fine with me and Stef. Lena didn't like talking about her personal life outside of work, the biracial woman replies. l stared out the window as the driver got on the highway, my mind was filled with possibilities l'm might be pregnant this time. I decided after work I would go to the 24 hour clinic
Lena thinks to herself, the kids were awfully quiet at the moment. Their were children ages four Thu twelve
Some come to us with a variety of issues, most Foster parents request younger children versus older kids
I've been in this field for over nine years. We pulled up to the Seattle country fair grounds, can l have everyone's attention just for a few minutes please. Lena said
We want you guys to choose a partner
There are a lot of people out here, everybody needs to stay within their group. There will no running
No shouting, no one is to go to the bathroom without an adult and no talking to strangers. If by chance one of you gets lost find a staff member of the fair and let them know that your from the Seattle children's home,
I'll will be passing out badges with your names on them. You are to wear through out till it's time to leave
Lena says to all the children,
She reaches down to take out the name tags from her nap sack.
Everyone got off the Van one by one
Lena and Casey were the last ones to exit, all the kids stood in a straight line. As Lena gave out the badges
Once they were given out, we all walked up to the main entrance
Of the fair. I handed out the bracelets
For the children to ride on the Rides
The excitement on the faces was pure joy, we try once a month to take them out in the community. so they can just have a good time outside of the group
Home, Mrs. Foster Adams can we go on the merry go around Brian asks me. We mostly can Lena replies
Lena took her group of five to go in line, Casey and I combine our group together. Heather took the older kids with her, while we had the little ones
We spent the next few hours. watching them ride the different rides
I remember as a child my dad would take me to carnivals and places
My favorite ride was the fairest wheel
Hi sweetheart what's your name Lena asked the little girl who was standing beside her. Lena your wasting your breath, she hasn't spoken since she arrived here this morning Casey said
The young girl couldn't be more than five or six years old. She continues to stare at me, Francesca will talk when she's ready Lena tells Casey. Your the one with the child psychology degree with a minor in early childhood development Casey States, Lena choose not to respond back to Casey's comment. She's only been working at the group home for a year now, l don't feel like Casey's cut out for this field
When working with children you need to have a lot of patience. These kids struggle with abandoned, physical sexually abuse and the list goes on. Francesca could have selected mutism, it's a coping mechanism. It can be temporary or permanent. Dr. Sharon will have to proform a clinical evaluation on Francesca, l look down at my watch
It's going on 1:30 eventually we'll have to break down for lunch in a little while.

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