a night out on the town

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Stef's: POV
Lena and I are at the restaurant neither of us felt like cooking tonight
It's rarely we have the opportunity to go out to a nice place. And have someone else wait on us for a change
We already put our orders in on what we wanted to eat, Lena's been awfully quiet ever since she got home from work. We have a unspoken rule about bringing work into our home, but I feel whatever it is it's weighing on Lena's mind. Maybe we can break the rule just this once, babe how was lunch with Dad this afternoon Stef asked. It went well he was happy when l told him we were expecting twins, he and Margaret are going to Boston for Thanksgiving to visit her family. I accidentally slipped up and let him know about the whole Casey situation, l could tell he was a little disappointed on how l handled it
Because I let Shannon deal with it
I really didn't give my input. I feel torn. Because I feel like I was to close
I might have to reconsider my decision about terminated Casey
I can't afford to run my business in the ground, she can do this to us again
That's a chance l'm not willing to risk
Even though Shannon and I are business partners. But no she wanted to give Casey a another chance, Lena said. Aww baby l don't want you beating yourself up over this, l know this is a difficult decision for you to make. You saw her as a little sister
That's probably your feeling poorly in a laps in judgement, l don't want you to feel like l'm jumping on you cause l'm not l am always on your side. Love
I don't want you getting stressed out and put our babies in danger. Friday will be here before you know it and will be back at the cabin where you can unwind and relax a bit, did you talk to Francesca about the three of us hanging out next weekend Stef asks
I did she invited me to a play she's going to be in at school . It's the day before Thanksgiving, and I told her we would come Lena says to Stef
Sounds like a plan the blonde replied
The waitress came over with our food
Let me know if I can you ladies anything else, Sam informs us
Can I get some pepper and I a glass of ice water please Lena asks. Okay I'll bring it right away Sam states

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