thanksgiving Adams Foster style

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Stef's: POV
I just got finished setting the table
Lena called to say she was on her way
Mom and I were putting the food on the table. I couldn't wait to dig into this wonderful meal Lena and I prepared, mom tried a piece of each turkey and she said they both tasted the same, so none won the cooking challenge. The door begin to ring
I went to see who it was, l looked on surveillance camera and it was Sasha and her boyfriend Dash. I invited them inside, l introduce them to my mom. While I took their coats and hung it up in the closet, Stef where's Lena at Sasha asks me. She's on her way, can I get you guys something to drink. I asked Sasha and Dash, water and wine if you have any Sasha asks
Coming right up Stef said as she walks to the kitchen to get Sasha some wine and Dash a bottle of water from the refrigerator, mom was in the living room. Entertaining our guest, l heard a car pulled up in the garage. That must be Lena, and then I see another vehicle parked in the driveway, it's Shannon and her husband Mark.
Lena walks up the stairs, sorry it took me so long. Traffic was a mess coming here, Lena tells me as she took off her jacket. Babe Sasha and Dash are here
Stef says, ok let me go say hi Lena responds. As she gives me a kiss on the lips before leaving the kitchen
I watch her go into the living room then the door bell rings, l'll get it Stephanie my mother goes to open up the door for our other guest to come in. Lena disappeared, l guess she went to use the bathroom. I sat the drinks on the serving tray and carried them in the room, Sasha took her glass and started drinking. Sasha honey slow down, Dash tells Sasha. She rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. Hi Shannon and Mark, Stef speaks. Hello Stephanie how are you Shannon asked, l'm doing fine thanks for asking. Lena came back down the steps, and took a seat on the couch
Wow Lena your practically glowing
Pregnancy looks good on you Shannon said. Thanks l think Lena replied, will everyone follow me into the dining room. Stef informs their company, everybody took their places at the table. Lena sat down at the head of the table, and l sat beside her
Mom would blessed the food please
Stef asked. We all bow our heads while mom said grace, dear heavenly we thank you for the food we bout to receive. Father God we thanked for the hands that prepared this wonderful meal, and we thank you for my two daughters for opening up their home. We also thank you for seeing new faces around the table, we asks in your precious name amen
Plates were being filled with various dishes, once everyone got their food we began to eat our meal. Mmm this turkey is nice and moist, Lena did you make this Shannon inquires. No Stef made it, l made the macaroni and cheese, green beans and sweet potatoes. Lena responds, Stef l heard your restaurant Capricorn caters events, l'm having a Christmas party
And I don't wanna have it at the legacy. Mark tells me, come by my restaurant sometime next week and we can sit down and discuss when kinda of food want. Anything after the seventh, Lena and I would be out of town. Till January 2 Stef tells Mark
I'm thinking around the fourteenth of December in the evening time, you do have a VIP room. It won't be no more than fifteen people attending mark explains, l need to double check my calendar to see if I have that date open. Before I give you the green light
Around the holidays is my biggest time of year, but l'm sure l can cater your Christmas party Stef States.
Lena are you still planning on going shopping tomorrow morning Shannon asked Lena. Yes most definitely, we need to start getting the kids presents. The guy from Dell is has offered to donate over twenty iPads and apple tablets for the group for all the children, plus toys R us decided to make a huge donation as well. So I think this year the kids will have a lot to be thankful for, Lena Stated. How did you manage that Shannon asked
Apparently Kevin received an anonymous tip about us not having enough funds to purchase gifts. We have a few new sponsors this year
Everybody on staff will be getting gift cards worth ten thousand dollars Lena explains, that is fantastic l can't wait to see the look on the children's smiling faces. Shannon says to Lena

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