A day with my favorite girls

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Stef's: POV
I'm home with grace and Hope while Lena and Margaret went to meet
Dana at some coffee shop in town
I knew Lena had some questions she needed answers. Margaret decided to go for moral support, l had just finished putting the girls down for a nap. After giving them a warm bath
They went straight to sleep, l decided to do a load of laundry while they were napping. They only sleep for a half hour, depending on how tired they were. I can't believe how two babies could go through a full load of clothes in two short weeks, since they been home from the hospital. Lena hasn't anything about returning back to work yet, l think she's gonna wait till the girls get a little older. I suggested that we hired a full time nanny, that didn't go well with Lena
She doesn't like the idea of having complete strangers in our house
Watching the babies. Lena's been looking into private schools for Francesca, for when she comes to live with us full time. Lena found two out twenty she went through online, l'm wondering how this meeting is going
I don't know why her mother decided to come back after thirty years of been missing in action, l stressed my concerns about the whole situation
I know Lena isn't gonna give in easy
Plus she told me she isn't interested in reconnecting with her biological mother. Margaret's the only mom who was there when Lena was growing up and Dana basically blew her chances of having a relationship with Lena, Lena's a hard nut to crack
When it comes to forgiving people who hurt her in the past. I know there are certain boundaries l won't cross
Once I got the Landry started, l came on back upstairs. to check up on the girls, they were still asleep in their bassinets. I'm trying figure out what we're having for dinner tonight, l might make a homemade pizza from scratch. I heard someone come through the front door, l turned around and see Margaret and Lena enter the house. She doesn't look upset, Margaret gives me a look
Telling me that to give Lena some time, l would never rush her in talking. Sometimes Margaret thinks she knows my wife better than me cause Lena shares personal things with her. I'm not saying it's jealous l feel, it's just sometimes I feel out of the hoop. When it comes to getting Lena to open up to me, she can be guarded at times.

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